Transformers: Tournament of Terror. Sign up and discussion topic.

I’ve tagged you in a few good points, but I understand.

I’m trying to wrap this up as quickly as possible so we can get to the sequel faster.

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Wait you did? I must have missed them. Blast…

Will we be allowed to reuse characters for the next one?

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Of course!

Great! Then I guess I’ll pick her up there then.

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I swear if he pulls a Rung and turns out to be a reincarnated god or something. That would just be something else.

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I would have brought that up with you first. Oddball just doesn’t know much about himself, is all.

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Trust me, I don’t want to sound like I’m opposed to the idea. But I do find it interesting how he lacks any sort of background or larger identity. There’s no when, or who, or what. He just is.

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That’s mostly because I didn’t make much of a backstory for Oddball, honestly. I just wanted to make a cutesy robot with weird powers, and didn’t put too much thought into where he comes from.


@Chromeharpoon @ajtazt

Alright guys here’s the deal. I’ve been feeling kinda creatively drained for a while, and there’s basically nothing left to do here. Outside of going to a purple planet and building a town.

Hopefully I can finish the roadmap for the sequel soon and get that running in like a week. Maybe two. I’m honestly not sure.

So do you want to just stop it here as is or just do a few more posts to get to that wrap up point? I know there isn’t much left, but at least giving a conclusion would be nice.

Though I don’t think you need to rush to the sequel. By that I mean pushing out the sequel as soon as this one closes down. If you need some time to finish stuff up for it, that’s fine. I’m sure we can use the break and come back to the sequel revigorated when its ready.

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Alright. I’ve put some thought into it, and I’ve made a decision.

As I’ve said before, this one rp and it’s sequel are merely parts of a much larger transformers story series that I’ve been planning, plotting, conceptualizing, and otherwise contemplating for the last for to five years. And after the completion of my first major public outing with this series, I’ve decided I don’t want to just jump head first into the sequel.

Instead I think a change of pace is in order. I want to switch things up creatively after having one base focus for so long. So, I’m going to postpone Rebirth of The Tyrant. Its still absolutely happening, but I’m not sure when.

In its place, I want to try something new. There’s a semi-fantasy setting I’ve been working on and tinkering with for the last couple of weeks, and I’ve decided I’m going to run a dnd style campaign in this setting. There’s still a lot of planning and world building left to do before I can launch it, but I’m certain about this being my next major project.


alright, let me know when either of those launches!

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The dnd campaign is gonna be a ways out, since I’m building everything from the ground up. The world, the races, the wildlife, everything. And I want to make sure its all fine tuned and perfected before I actually start working on the game.

But I will be sure to make an announcement when it’s ready.

You can just end the game right about now, I feel. With everyone out of prison and having negotiated with the Star Talons to get a planet to colonize, you can just have everyone get aboard the Iron Maw and fade to black, so to speak.


Excellent! Sounds like a great idea.

And while I’m here, I have an amendment to make to my previous announcement. That being my plan to indefinitely postpone Rebirth of The Tyrant, and put all my focus into my new fantasy project. Turns out that’s not how it works. This wet lump of greymatter focuses on what it wants, when it wants. And my control over it is limited at best.

I say I want to work on some subspecies names for the fantasy world. It decides we’re gonna plan out a late game decepticon boss fight.

So I’ve decided that I’m going to more or less work on the both of them sort of at the same time. If its easier to focus on the sequel roadmap, then I’ll work on that. If I’m inspired to work out some fantasy wildlife, I’ll work on that. And whichever project gets finished first, launches first. No rushing, no deadlines. Just getting stuff done.

The first one will probably be the sequel since it’s already mostly done. But don’t ask me when that’s gonna happen, cause I have no idea. Could be a week. Could be a month and a half. This is very much a “its finished when it’s finished” deal.

@ajtazt @Chromeharpoon

And that’s a wrap! Thanks for playing and sticking with this for so long. Through its shining highs and drawn out lows.

Also if either of you were curious about those giant metal beast heads in the hangar. Those are representations of former Star Talon captains. Its tradition to decorate the bow of the Iron Maw with the head of the captain’s beast mode. The six eyed dragon is Ironfang, as he founded the Star Talons. And the crow is Blightbeak, the captain before Lockjaw.


Hello everyone! I apologize for the prolonged silence. I’ve been rather busy for a while and haven’t had the chance to check the message boards in a long time.

That being said, for those of you who are still interested, Rebirth of The Tyrant should be set to launch in the next few weeks. Only a few critical art pieces are left before I have everything I need to get started.


Aight, lezz go!

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“Good news guys! It’ll just be a few more weeks to launch!”
One month later:

Yeah, I’m really sorry about the long wait guys. But that wait is finally over! The sign up topic for Rebirth of The Tyrant is finally up and ready for submissions!

