Wornukann the Maniac

“Why can’t we just blow it up, boss?”
“I’m not your boss, Wornukann. I’m just the guy who makes sure you don’t do anything stupid.”
-Wornukann and Toa Nao

Name: Wornukann
Species: Skakdi
Gender: Male
Abilities: Weapons, Demolitions
Allegiance: White Claw

Wornukann is known as “The Maniac” for good reason. Originally part of the Skakdi gang known as the Brawler Collars during the Darkness, he was kicked for being too nice. While he still is distrusting, greedy, and selfish, he certainly is less so than others of his species. He was accepted into White Claw after Toa Nao agreed to keep a watchful eye on him. Armed with a Zamor pellet rifle he likes to call “Hornet”, custom rust-bucket blaster (which may or may not be based off of Roadhog’s Scrap Gun in Overwatch), and a wrist-mounted flame thrower, Wornukann is quite a formidable opponent. When trapped in the Darkness, he becomes mad(der) to the point of extreme insanity.

Wornukann in the Darkness

Two mocs finished in one day? I’m on a roll! Sorry about the red and black color scheme again, it’s something I don’t have a lot of pieces to fix. I’m actually really excited about this guy, I kept more to a color scheme and made him complex while not cluttered (I’ve taken notes from Scrapjaw and Gavola). Hope you like him as much as I do, feedback, as always, is very appreciated!


It’s a decent MOC. Weird shoulders, though.

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Are you talking about the shadow traps or just the build?

I like the moc, although the build seems to pull a lot from umarak the hunter. Besides that you got four thumbs up from me.(side note: I notice that your display set up is a lot like mine, not saying you stole it from me but what I am saying is that I’m not the only one who doesn’t have a pure whit table/wall display set up. So that makes me happy).

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They sort of stick out.

Yup, I wanted him to have a crouched posture, so I made them stick out to help this.

But they feel empty. Maybe moving the shadow traps down would help.

I would have if I found a way how, but I wanted them to have an epaulet feel

Sweet rifle. And I like the way you incorporated that wacky head into the character’s personality. I have that mask too, and I everytime I try to use it on a MOC it never fits the character. You’ve done that well here.

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Thanks! I don’t have any Piraka, and my friend wouldn’t let me borrow a head, so I had to make do with what I had.

Pretty interesting. That head really works as a Skakdi.

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Thank you, though I can’t really take full credit for it. I do not remember when or where, but somewhere on the message boards I found a topic with a collection of Bionicle LDD mocs, and one was a female Skakdi which used the same head.