BIONICLE Canon Contest #2: Meet the Maker

I suppose I should clarify myself too; I, upon rereading the rule, interpreted it as saying “no more, no less”

I’d still like to hear what Eljay means by “approximately”, as I thought it meant “at least”… If it’s no more no less thats even more absurd than I had already mistook it as

Hey, a group of people and I have been working on a project to catalog the heights of sets in-universe. More details here:

If anyone wants to build an Artakha that conforms to this data, he should be at least 265 mm tall. You can see this value on the “Nonset Characters” sheet on “Set Heights V2” or by using the calculator.

Some points of reference:

Brutaka is 11.21 feet tall
Umbra is 9.81 feet tall
Icarax is 10.57 feet tall


Can’t wait to see all the amazing MOCs again!

I’m really disappointed there are still people here being defeatist about the whole thing. Ticks me off almost as much as it does Eljay.

Here’s hoping we can all be positive here and have a lot of fun with this one!


I’ll be direct.

(Sorry for the poor photo quality, I’m working on a half-decent lighting set up.)

Here’s my Artakha as he stands now. As I said earlier, most of the sand-green is located in the arms and legs. Is it at risk for disqualification?

(And yeah, it’s not that great of a MOC. I don’t expect it to make it past the first round, let alone win.)


I’d worry more about the two different greens you have going, I think thats automatically a deal breaker for the judges here


Wow, must have skimmed past that rule. Sounds… really unnecessary if you’re already including sand-green, but it’s too late for me to change that.

Guess I’ll post him as “Green Ekimu the Forbidden One” or something like that.


I’m new to the TTV website, so I don’t know where I should upload my moc.

Does anyone plan to enter within the next few days? Despite 100 comments, there are no entries.

Welp, I return from my long slumber for this one. Been building him for a while, happy to see this contest started. Topic link: Artakha - The Creator (Canon Contest #2: Meet the Maker). Best of luck to all, here’s to a fun contest!

-Solaris Magnus


I’m pretty much certain you’re right about it meaning “at least.” I think what he was really intending was to say that it was the primary color, but didn’t want people to think it should overpower everything else, so he gave 60 percent as a rough estimate.

This was freaking hilarious, thank you guys for this.


Yeah haha. Speak of the devil.

XD Perfect timing haha.


I arise from a slumber of literally years for this. I don’t think I’m legally allowed to not enter this contest.


Genuine question here. I understand the “one green rule” exists so it can be recolored into sand-green in the artwork.

Can there be an exception if the MOC already uses sand-green alongside another shade, or is the rule set in stone?

Asking for a friend.

That friend being me.

… I don’t have friends.



Here’s hoping that this contest goes smoothly


That is a great suggestion, and one we will implement.

Real quick, as an update, we’ve reworked the guidelines pertaining to Artakha entries and what they should do and must do. We’ve been using the word “should” as a guideline suggestion, to indicate that your entry should probably be doing these things, but we won’t disqualify it if it doesn’t follow it to the letter. Your Artakha should do X, Y, Z because of the above canon descriptions. However, we made the error of mixing in some things that your entry must do to qualify. We’ve reworked the wording and added Sharnak’s suggestion as well.

As such, your Artakha should:

-Be approximately 60% outwardly green. This can be any green, lime is allowed.
-Be tall. He is described as being 10 feet tall. Our best comparison would be Tobduk, who has a canon model and is also 10 feet tall. For reference, the Tobduk model is only slightly taller than the Brutaka set.

However, your Artakha must:

-Be only be one shade of green. We will make an exception if the eye stalk is a different green from the character. This is because sand green (canonically the color of Artakha) is harder to find. However, one other exception we will make is that you can include one other shade of green if your entry already has sand green. As such, the green on the MOC will be recolored to sand green in the final artwork.
-Wield a hammer. He does not and never did wield the Staff of Artakha. If you include the Staff, your entry will be disqualified.


I just finished painting a 3d printed mask green, perfect chance to use it! One question: as the creator wasn’t listed as already consenting to their designs being allowed, should I reach out to them to get permission to use it for the contest?

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I’m glad to see that we’re not restricted to sand green. Might try my hand at this, I haven’t had a build idea I’m confident with in a long time.

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