Transformers: Tournament of Terror. Sign up and discussion topic.

@ProfSrlojohn thought you’d appreciate this little detail.

That’s honestly up in the air. I’m gonna let things play out and see what happens.

That I did. It really helps with the sense that she was something of a fixture. Something reliable in a place where everything else was in turmoil.

Just to confirm, the higher levels can go to the lower ones, correct?


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@ajtazt so that’s where you’ve been. Well given your quality of writing that I’ve seen in the RP, I’m absolutely excited to read what you’ve done.

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Well, that and some other IRL activities that consumed my weekend. Though regardless what you end up thinking of it, thanks for the excitement.

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Hey man, the body was dumped in the trash. Can’t get much more defiled if you ask me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Armored trains are pretty hard to crack.


I feel like putting Julia through some crap, so she’s down for the count guys, ya’ll have to deal with RAM and co. without her.

Now, to decide how exactly will the electricity effect her.

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Wait, what exactly do you mean by “down for the count”? Are you leaving?

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No, I mean she’s gonna be going through an electrically induced seizure, then be unconscious.

She’s gonna be out for at least an IRL day.

Oh, and there’s gonna be some long-term effects, though I’m not sure what yet.


How Spirit sees Minicons:

How everyone else sees Minicons:

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You weren’t expecting that much damage were you?

Now you know what I meant by a glass cannon. One good hit and she’s out. She’s old, and the amount maintenance equipment presumably was sparce, especially early on. She’s just worn out.

Also, I didn’t think about this till you said it, but the self-repairs are a very Juliana thing to do. Fixes herself so as not to bother anyone else.


I gotta say, all of this is some really interesting character detail for her. I like it.


Juliana is always one of my favorite charecters in any RP I add her into. This version however, might be my favorite, simply because of the more fleshed-out back-story.


But… she was thinking, not talking…


Oh. I saw the quotation mark and just assumed. I’ll edit accordingly.

Out of curiosity, where is this story at? There’s a sliver of possibility that I’d join

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We’re sort of in the third act here. The games master Iota has been acting strange, and a breakout plan has already been made.

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Basically, crap’s about to hit the fan.

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@EmperorDuckie there is a fair bit I’d have to catch you up on regarding NPCs, recent events, and the layout of the colosseum. But it shouldn’t be too much trouble. I’d be happy to have you aboard.

Idk I just had something come up irl. Sorry

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No worries. Join if you want to. I won’t try to push.

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