Transformers: Tournament of Terror. Sign up and discussion topic.

@keiththelegokid @ajtazt @ProfSrlojohn

If any of you are interested in a Vex history lesson, I recommend paying attention here.


Well his transformation is based off the Energon Ominicon Jeep. So basing the G.I. Joe Vamp design the shovel would be on his leg, so his foot would be able to kick it up when he transformed. At least that’s what I was going for.

@ProfSrlojohn I forget; has Backbreaker given Juliana her axe back yet?

No, not yet.

While this does clarify how his transformation works in general, the narrative of your actions still does not make sense. The order of events are still mixed up and you have provided no counters to Railgun’s attacks. I am just going to consider Clutchfire to have failed and move the game forward in this area.

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@ProfSrlojohn found it

Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic - #3507 by MaxinePrimal

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@ProfSrlojohn @Chromeharpoon @ajtazt @keiththelegokid

Just so everyone knows I’m going on a camping trip tomorrow (or probably today depending on when you read this) and won’t be back until Saturday.

Overclock is not restoring the room’s hardlight projectors, he’s fixing Simulus since the EMP has, temporarily disabled disabled Simulus’s own hardlight and holomatter capabilities.

And on the matter of his “bullets,” it’s just easier to refer to it as such. The following is just explanation/discussion, not an argument, I’ll still be replying to the move.

The neutron assault rifle is an energy weapon, though there are differing descriptions in how its functions. I can’t find the exact wording for the War for Cybertron game variant (which is what he uses), but it is said that,

“The Neutron Assault Rifle distorts the equilibrium of its target by blasting it with sonic booms. Once disoriented, the attacker can close in with a melee attack.”

Though this does greatly conflict with Fall of Cybertron’s description of, “Reliable automatic rifle fires hyper-piercing, heated neutrons at 600 rounds per minute.”

So, I just lean towards lighter, rapid energy “bullets.” Especially since if they just disorientate targets, I don’t see how the rifle could kill enemies in the game.


Thanks! This information will be useful.

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Nebula is sure pulling a panicked bluff here, since she hasn’t met them yet.

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Wait she hasn’t yet? Huh. I coulda sworn she did. My bad.

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Nope. She wasn’t in the food fight, that was Razorclaw and others. I believe she and Railgun were chatting at that time. And then Clawshot and Ramjet fought with them later, but she hasn’t talked to either of them between then and now. Neither has Railgun to his brothers, so he would be surprised to see them.

But it works as a bluff. Though not as bad as me describing Busdrive blue almost every time in the game when he’s black and chrome. :astonished:


Honestly I thought the red yellow blue dynamic was pretty interesting. Like those cables you plug into the back of your TV. I thought it fit the whole data team theme.

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Well, originally I was going to have Byter instead of Busdrive among the ones in the prison. And Byter is blue, so that’s part of it. And in an earlier draft Busdrive was blue as well, but decided to diversify the colors a bit more. So that didn’t help.


@ProfSrlojohn @ajtazt @keiththelegokid

Hey everybody! Quick announcement I want to make before I head into work today.

Something I’ve had planned for a very long time now, and I’m very eager to get to, is a sequel RP to Tournament of Terror.

It’s called Rebirth of the Tyrant:

Deep within the bowls of Cybertron, a cult of Decepticon loyalist predacons work to revive the ancient warlord Megatron. Now living once more, the tyrant takes over an unprepared Cybertron in a matter of days. With Iacon under his control, he sends out a message into the universe, announcing his return and conquest of Cybertron. Decepticons scattered among the stars come flocking from all corners of the galaxy, and make Cybertron their home once more.

13 years later, the message finally hits the refuge colony that Maximus and the former colosseum prisoners have made for themselves. Without hesitation the young predacon begins to organize a rebellion effort, and plans to retake Cybertron. With the help of his friends, and anyone else crazy enough to come along (that’ll be you guys) this rebellion will fight back against the Decepticon grip on Cybertron, and free the planet!

I’ve put a lot of planning into this. Moving from location to location, featuring many different events and areas to explore, as well as multiple boss fights against some major decepticon faces. It’s an adventure I’m sure you’re all going to love.


Sounds like a grand time, can’t wait to see how it goes. Though maybe it would be a better question for later, when we get to that point, but I have a minor timeline question.

So when the message has reached the colony, how long have the characters been in that colony? Have they also, theoretically, been there for thirteen years? Or would it be less time than that? I realize it has taken thirteen years for the message to get there, but with that stretch of time it could imply it’s already on its way.

Though I could be completely forgetting a reference Axis or Maximus made in the game for the last time they were on Cybertron. If it was not that long before their capture, I guess it would be thirteen years? Sorry for the rambling, just the possibilities of where some of the characters could be at by that time is very imagination sparking.

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I haven’t actually thought about this before, but the general idea is that they’ve been there for 13 years or longer. By the time the message arrives, everyone there would have made themselves well and comfortable in this new home.

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I’m sorry, but I’m just not sure where to take the conversation. Can we put in the missing organ now?

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Alright. Will do.

What Simulus be like in the fight so far:

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