All my current Dark Hunter mocs

These are all the Dark Hunter mocs I currently have built, many of which have pages of their own but a few have been updated and I want to have a page of all of them in one place. Hope you enjoy!

Toxin- has a short temper, can secrete a toxic gas from his skin that makes others experience withdrawal symptoms, now has matching-colored toes thanks to a suggestion by @Axelford

Brawler- very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, trains Dark Hunter recruits to improve their fighting styles

Vessel- reprogrammed Rahkshi armor, does not feel emotions

Tumult- likes to travel, has control over sound

Corruption- member of the same species as the Shadowed One and Ancient, recruits other Dark Hunters, lost his tail in a fight with Akida, uses a stasis Rhotuka

Ghost- can walk through walls and is very fast and agile, has the most confirmed kills of any Dark Hunter

Distortion- creature who fought in an arena on Stelt alongside Gladiator until he was freed and recruited, can blur others’ vision and distort their hearing, uses a time disjunction Rhotuka

Thrasher- escaped Pit prisoner, has super strength and is heavily armored

Hex- chief scientist and engineer of the Dark Hunters, created Lurker’s weapon implants and many other tools for Dark Hunters

Omen- used as a scout, has exceptional eyesight, uses a blinding Rhotuka

Glaive- the most recent recruit before the destruction of the Great Spirit Robot, very nimble and acrobatic. The head design was taken from a character named Zerek Zaye in a youtube series called Bionicle: Fight for Endworld by ManiaMac1613

RIP Wither and Ember


Thrasher’s probably my favorite

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These all look really nice, the mixture of both older and later pieces along with more complex and simple designs really help to make them feel varied and unique when compared to one another.
On a more direct level:

I like how you can tell what species he is, but still feels different enough to clearly be his own unique being. Also blue and brown is a highly underrated color combination.

This guy reminds me of a titan set from the late 2000s, which I can appreciate. Really the lower arms are the only thing I’d change.

This guy really reminds me of a late 2000s titans et, and that is a pretty unique hand design. Also again, blue and (a shade of) brown, very nice color comination.

This guy looks nice and monstrous, definitely hits that mutated creature feel.


Some definitely some cool builds here, though I definitely prefer some over others. I really like the strong G1 esthetic on some of these.

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@anon61908668 @Brickbot99 @TheMOCingbird thank you guys so much!


Quite a collection you’ve got here, I like ghost the most

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Vessel, eh? Does he have a mind to think or a voice to cry suffering?

Also, really solid mocs. Way better than most of the canon Dark Hunters (not that that’s a hard bar to reach lmao)


I understood that reference.


I’ll add that I really like Tumult, Ghost, Hex, and Glaive also. Hex has a kind of bug/insect look imo which looks really interesting.

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Really nice. I like how unique they all look, plus they’re all really menacing.

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Very varied and weird, but i like them.

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Here’s a picture of Darkness before he gets scrapped for parts