BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard

Here’s the full list of banned masks from Meso:

-Mutated Felnas
-Mutated Shelek
-Mask of Scavenging
-Mask of Light and Shadow
-Mask of Creation (G1 and G2)
-Any Nuva Mask
-Mask of Aging
-Mask of Incomprehension
-Mask of Undeath
-Shapeshifted Mask of Mutation
-Any Glatorian or Agori helmet
-Hero Factory 2.0 and 3.0 helmets
-Mask of Ultimate Power (G2)

So basically, some of them are off the table, but things like a Thunder helmet or any KK helmet is fine.

Edit: here’s the source for that list:

(Quoting long sections of a post is a pain on my phone)