The following is NOT canonized by the TTV, nor is it a pitch of any kind. Do NOT use this post for brainstorming canon character; this is solely for non-canon Brickonicle MOC brainstorming.
For those who are interested, this thread will be for your very own character on Artakha. The following are rules when posting:
- Characters may live during any known time period. If you want your character to exist during a time before the first Toa, that is entirely allowed.
- Characters must be strictly background characters. They may not interfere with the plot or major characters, with the exception of having a distant to moderate relationship with them (Ex: a soldier serving Narmoto, a lesser Arbiter, a low-grade thief, an athlete defeated by Nilkuu, a servant of Izotor, a student of Korgot, etc.).
- Characters are allowed to have parentage from two different regions, but they must be of only one element (Ex: A Tiroan with a Nahoin mother/father is a Naho-Tiroan). This does not affect their elemental power, but it might slightly affect their appearance (secondary/tertiary colors), although this is not mandatory. Here are the possible combinations and colors, for those who might be interested:
- Mangai-Naho: purple (secondary/tertiary).
- Mangai-Kanae: light brown (secondary/tertiary)
- Mangai-Motari: russet (reddish-brown, secondary/tertiary)
- Mangai-Tiro: brown (secondary/tertiary)
- Mangai-Ihu: lilac (secondary), pink (tertiary)
- Naho-Kanae: light teal (secondary/tertiary)
- Naho-Motari: mud (secondary/tertiary)
- Naho-Tiro: teal (secondary/tertiary)
- Naho-Ihu: cobalt blue (secondary), light blue (tertiary)
- Kanae-Motari: light muddy green (secondary/tertiary)
- Kanae-Tiro: green (secondary/tertiary)
- Kanae-Ihu: pale light green (secondary/tertiary)
- Motari-Tiro: muddy green (secondary/tertiary)
- Motari-Ihu: light brown (secondary/tertiary)
- Tiro-Ihu: light green (secondary/tertiary)
- Characters may wear any G1 mask (within reason, and excluding legendary masks). Because this is G3, the masks will not have any powers, and their designs will be altered to match G3’s overarching design. Masks will primarily be for aesthetics, but they can also be tied to a characteristic of the MOC or perhaps the MOC’s entire personality.
- No Toa (neither past nor future).
- If any of the five rules above are broken, the MOC may still be listed as long as it is marked “Non-Canon.”
Here are two census of the self-MOC population, element and region. Here are the categories:
- Fire
- Water
- Air
- Sand
- Earth
- Ice
- Lightning (Extinct, not including Voriki)
- Mangai
- Naho
- Kanae
- Motara
- Tiro
- Ihu
- Elisia (Destroyed)
Here is my self-MOC as a template (pictures are optional). Please remember to type legibly and with proper grammar so that others can read it easily: Bokarda
Here is a list of all MOCs and self-MOCs with their own pages:
@Asriel: Valkyrie, Wärter (Self-MOC)
@Bokarda: Bokarda (Self-MOC)
@Inertiic: Marcol (Self-MOC)
@JediTimeLord824: Poraku (Self-MOC)
@Kardax: Kardax (Self-MOC)
@Stuubh: Partuka (Self-MOC)
@RAKRONDEWL: Ithelien (Self-MOC)
@SteampunkTahu: Gahkahn (Self-MOC) (Non-Canon), Gavan (Self-MOC)
@Toa_Vladin: Vladin (Self-MOC)
@UltimateMustacheX: Nuztro (Self-MOC)