The following is NOT canonized by the TTV. Anything listed serves as potential material for the TTV, if they ever want to use any of it. Anything they reject outright (assuming any of them read this) will be labeled Non-Canon.
However, the concept of the previous Toa sealing away the masks IS canon. This merely goes into possible details.
Additionally, this thread is inspired by @JediTimeLord824’s First Toa thread, but has been altered to better fit canon and timeline.
The Toa Kanohi were chosen by the Elemental Gods (Nuva) to slay the Kanohi Dragon, overthrow the Barraki and the League of Six Kingdoms @AntrozT6, render the Kanohi Forges useless, and seal the Kanohi Masks away from the Matoran. The two latter duties would cause resentment towards the Toa and the Elemental Gods (Nuva).
Tahu (Lhikan, leader): adventurous thrill-seeker. Wielded twin greatswords due to his immense strength. Slew the Kanohi Dragon. Overthrew Kalmah @AntrozT6. Responsible for rendering the Kanohi Forges unusable. [Questionable but Cool: ancestor of Jaller].
Image pending (golden Hau)
Gali (Tuyet): idealist. Former student of Axonn. Founder of the Arbiter’s Kritarchy in Naho. Wielded a barbed broadsword. Overthrew Takadox @AntrozT6. Responsible for destroying the blueprints and designs for the Kanohi Masks. Betrays the Toa Kanohi by trying to steal away some of the Kanohi Masks for herself.
Image pending (Olmak/Rode)
Lewa (Lesovikk, deputy leader): timid. Wielded bow. Overthrew Ehlek. Responsible for destroying the blueprints and designs for the Kanohi Masks. [Questionable but Cool: Surviving member of the Toa Kanohi and current guardian of the Kanae Fragment of the Mask of Time. Only Toa ever to relinquish their power to the Nuva. Now named Bingzak].
Image pending (Faxon)
Pohatu (Zaria, female): mischievous. Wielded an unknown weapon. Overthrew Carapar and Nocturn. Responsible for rendering the Kanohi Forges unusable. Built the Suva to store the Kanohi Masks.
Image pending (Garai)
Onua (Jovan): excitable. Temple builder. Wielded no weapons. Overthrew and blinded by Mantax. Responsible for rendering the Kanohi Forges unusable. Built the Suva to store the Kanohi Masks.
Image pending (Kadin)
Kopaka (Krakua, female): reserved. Sister of Pridak @AntrozT6. Wielded the ancestral weapon of Ihu @RAKRONDEWL. Overthrew Pridak. Responsible for destroying the blueprints and designs for the Kanohi Masks. Built the Suva to store the Kanohi Masks. Distant relative of Izotor.
Image pending (Arthron)