Your First Post on the Boards

Rather than introduce myself, I just went to the CTRL+V Topic RIP for some reason.

So yeah…this amazing, thought-out post was the first thing I ever said on the message boards.

Sadly, this was legit copied on my clipboard. It’s a long story. :confused:


Not as terribly cringey as I expected, but still pretty cringey.

To those who don’t know, Axonn126 was my username during the early days of the Boards.


I was so scared when I made my first post

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My first post was a topic.

GG me.



Continuing the discussion from TTV's ■■■■■ of March Poll:

The reason I got an account in the first place was to vote for the shirts.

Get ready. I did my best not to scrub it up, but I kinda did anyway.

My second post was better.

All right…
I’m too lazy to do all that scrolling…




Oh, right!

It took some digging, but this was it:
(from the Bionicle 2016 leaks discussion topic)

Honestly, it was that topic and the nexo knights that got me to join so I could respond and like, as I wanted to give my opinions.
I had no idea there was an actual podcast until later, when I noticed that they were referring to posting videos, which confused me.
Shortly after, I posted on introduce yourselves and the bionicle 2016 leaks disscussion topic.

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First Topic:

First Reply:

I really don’t know which came first.


I WOULD try to find it, but even using Scarilian’s method it apparently has a point it cannot reach. I just make SO MANY POSTS. I’ll have to wait and see what happens after I get past all the Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney posts. RIP.


Congratulations, you win the Leo no-prize :stuck_out_tongue:


Eww the scrub teir cringe

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that’s it, just a regular ol’ comment

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My first post is classified.

Actually it is just the Skillet topic.

First Topic:

Why! did! I! end! everything! with! an! exclamation! point?! (!)
First Reply:

I have been captured by the Mod Squad for double posting!

My first Topic: Fire Turaga Nature Pictures - #3 by Miraku

That title looks like an eBay listing trying to shove as many barely related tags in to the title as possible.

First Post: G3 Kikinaldo pitch/rahi design - #15 by Miraku

This one is just bland.