Akari Toa falment of plasma

Name: Akari
species: Matoran
Element: Plasma
Affiliation: Toa falment
Personnel file 494720272937-a2

Written by hunter 34055858494850/Artillery

Early life.

Akari lived among his fellow su-Matoran on one of the lower islands of the great spirit robot. Where he worked building various defensive weapons Such as shields for various buyers, until one faithful day he had an encounter with a wild Ash bear, during the encounter Akari lost the fingers on his left hand, practically making him useless to the cause of his peers, until one day a traveling Vortixx mechanic stumbled into their village, Akari was the only one to notice, (seeing he was on another of his expeditions to hunt down the aforementioned Rahi and end it.)

He befriended the mechanic (bad idea.) and provided shelter for them, in turn the vortixx provided him with a prosthetic to replace his hand before they left. Akari watched fascinated as they worked, in the following days he could be seen staring at his hand as he moved the mechanical fingers, (red flag) Little did his peers know, Akari had developed a deep fascination with making prosthetics, particularly the thought of making prosthetics to enhance one’s abilities. This thought would send him down a path that would eventually lead him to being banished from his village as they had become disturbed by his “experiments”.

Life as a toa

It is unknown when Akari became a Toa, but eventually he returned to his village to reconcile for his past mistakes. Unfortunately the village had been destroyed, not by raiders as he had first suspected, but by a Rahi, A mechanically enhanced one to be specific. Instead of being disgusted by the fact that his “research” could’ve been used for this, he only grew more fascinated. Upon further investigation he found footprints and following them led him to a cave extremely close to the shoreline (it was empty of course), but there had been sign that someone was definitely living there, in fact there was even a boat, Akari decided to wait till nightfall for this “Monster” to return, around midnight a Vortixx Came strolling down one of the paths an ash bear in tow, (and you probably guessed it, it was the same ash bear and Vortixx mentioned earlier in this file.) Akari struck sending bolts of plasma raining down as he charged forward and drew his sword attacking the traitorous Vortixx, as they fought the ash bear just stood there blankly,

The Vortixx put up a good fight even cutting off Akari’s left arm, but eventually they fell, it was here Akari realized that the ash bear had been stripped of its free will, and was left as a mindless husk, it might as well have just been a machine at that point. Akari was disgusted and dispatched the Vortixx for his crimes against nature, the ash bear followed suit but in this case it was in mercy he killed it.

Akari broken and battered pulled the boat out of the cave and set sail. For the upper island of Daxia hoping to find shelter there and could be in peace to find a new prosthetic arm.

He awoke with a start to find the dome that was usually there was gone, as if it had collapsed. But why has something happened while he was asleep? Another earthquake shook, then another and another Akari realized too late that the great cataclysm was happening again, he prepared himself as the gravity stabilizers shut off, he felt the familiar feeling of falling as he prepared to land back in the protodermis sea, but he unfortunately made contact with the boat first.

Post reformation of sphearus magna

When Akari awoke he found himself in a tent, the second thing he noticed was how he was still alive, the third was that he had a new prosthetic arm, unfortunately there was no hand, but a blade in its place. Akari had an idea, he pulled himself off of his cot despite his body’s complaints and set to working on a new mechanical hand, when he was finished he left the tent and was shocked to see his home laid out on the desert in front of him, Akari didn’t know what to do everything was changing so fast, he just kind of wandered off to the most lush area he could find, and stayed there for a while, he once even encountered a group of Toa, light psionics and ice respectively; they looked pretty upset by the looks of it.

After many months he journeyed back to civilization to find nobody there, they had all moved on, and from the looks of it the giant robot he once called his home had to. Akari camped out there for weeks until a group of Toa calling themselves the Toa falment passed by and offered him to join their Toa team, next thing Akari knew he was stuck fighting alongside this strange group of outcasts and misfits.

See files related to the writer

Artillery/ hunter 34055858494850 .





Prisoner 24148pb01

  • forth wall falls into another plane of existence *

I’m gonna keep this short, This was my entry into the Toa falment community collab.


I love the plasma effect!


This is honestly my favorite build out of the collab. I love the legs and the 2016 mask fits so well.
Also the backstory reads like a bs01 article, which is a plus in my book.

The plasma effect is thebombdotcom


I just realized, did you change his thumb on his main hand, or sm I just seeing wrong? Anyway, i think the plasma effects are super cool

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@T4k4nuv4 i did

@Cordax and @Nogus101 thank you

@LegoDavid I try to include torso articulate in most of my Mocs in fact it surprises that it isn’t more common.

I like the fact that it has torso articulation, that’s something I don’t see very often in MOCs.


Great painted mask, I like that detail.

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