#1: Kolhii Players & Primary Characters (MNOG Project)

#The MNOG Project: Kolhii Players & Primary Characters

Welcome to the MNOG Project:

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be reviewing every named Matoran from both Mata Nui Online Games in set form, complete with items and props based on those found and used by the Matoran of Mata Nui.

To begin, I’ll be reviewing the Kolhii players of 2003, as well as several groups of Matoran featured heavily in the G1 storyline.

#Kolhii Players

All but the Le- and Onu-Matoran Kolhii players were released as sets in 2003. As well as recreating these, I’ve also given the defenders shields to reflect MNOG II.


Jaller & Takua


Hahli & Macku


Hewkii & Hafu


Kongu & Tamaru


Matoro & Kopeke


Taipu & Onepu

#The Inika

These Matoran were transformed into the Toa Inika during their search for the Toa Nuva, and would be instrumental in awakening Mata Nui.


Jaller carries the famous Ta-Koro Guard spear and shield (recreated to the best of my ability).


Hahli carries her ‘leaf knapsack’ seen in MNOG II.



Kongu carries a map to guide the way.




Nuparu carries a blowtorch, as seen briefly in the Bohrok Animations.

#The Metrutoran

These Matoran were supposedly the only inhabitants of Metru Nui to know the location of Artakha’s Great Disks, and encountered the Toa Metru when the team came searching for them.

Since their evacuation to Mata Nui, some of the Metrutoran have adopted new masks and / or colour schemes.


Nuhrii’s mask changed from a Ruru to a Kaukau some time between the Great Cataclysm and MNOG II.


Vhisola was never seen in either of the MNOGs, however for the sake of completeness, I made her anyway.
In my version of the canon, Vhisola is now an explorer who wanders the world in search of purpose - she carries the leather equivalent of Hahli’s MNOG II knapsack.
You can see my interpretation of Vhisola as a Toa here.


Wanted: 10,000,000 widget reward.


Orkahm did not appear in either of the MNOGs, however according to BS01, he was mentioned at some point in MNOG II.
To differentiate between him and Makani, I added lime to his colour scheme.


Ehrye also did not appear in either of the MNOGs.
In my version of the canon, the Matoran known as Arktinen (whose appearance matches the above) is Ehrye with a different name (the name change having occured after his awakening on Mata Nui).
Ehrye carries an ice pick and possesses a Mahiki with an attached scope.
You can see my interpretation of Ehrye as a Toa here.


Tehutti’s mask changed from a Huna to a Kakama some time between the Great Cataclysm and MNOG II.

#The Chronicler’s Company

During the assault of Makuta’s infected Rahi, Takua called upon six Matoran to assist him in defending Kini Nui.

Classic Takua

He looks even more obnoxious with the 2003 build :anguished:

MNOG I Kapura vs. Regular Kapura

Kapura was seen to wear a Pakari during MNOG I. In MNOG II, he wore a Ruru instead.



Hafu was seen wearing a Pakari in MNOG I. In all other media prior to 2004, he is seen to wear a Ruru
You can see my interpretation of Hafu as a Toa here.


You can see my interpretation of Tamaru as a Toa here.

Classic Kopeke

Originally, Kopeke wore medium blue armour and a Mahiki. His appearance changed drastically in 2003.

MNOG I Taipu

Taipu wore a Ruru in MNOG I - he effectively swapped his mask with Hafu in all other media.

#Alternate Gearbox for 2003 Matoran

Some of you may have noticed that the Le- and Onu-Matoran reviewed here have a different gearbox / lower torso design.

I use this design to avoid / reduce the amount of painting needed to construct the Matoran.

This design barely affects the appearance of the Matoran from the front, and retains the original gear function.

You could use this design yourselves to build most Onu-Matoran, as the only ‘universal’ Matoran piece you can’t find in black is the original gearbox.

#Bonus Images


Am I wrong?

When your defecting to Makuta’s side doesn’t go as planned.


Follow the links to view the other entries into the project:

22/07 - Ga-Koro Boat
03/08 - #1: Kolhii Players & Primary Characters
06/08 - #2: Ta-Matoran
10/08 - #3: Ga-Matoran
13/08 - #4: Po-Matoran
17/08 - #5: Le-Matoran
20/08 - #6: Ko-Matoran
24/08 - #7: Onu-Matoran
27/08 - #8: Biowave & Bonus Content
12/09 - Onu-Koro Elevator

#Next Time: Ta-Matoran

#The Biowave Project - a Community Initiative

I and a few other members of the Bionicle community are currently developing content for an expanded G1 storyline, which includes MOCs and a webcomic series covering events following the defeat of Makuta Teridax.

###The Biowave Project Website is now live.

All of our work for the project will be archived on the site.

Along with project and set overviews, you’ll find several new entries into the Story section:

###Looking for an Artist

Our previous lead artist was unable to continue working on the webcomic series due to a lack of free time.
If anyone is interested in producing the first episode of the series (i.e. drawing and writing each frame), please contact me.
Whether you’re set on fulfilling the role or not, please don’t hesitate to ask about the project and the work required.

It is highly desirable that you:

  • Have existing artwork to show to us,
  • Have a reasonable amount of free time to commit to the project,
  • Can utilise an art style that closely resembles the following (or that is simple, such as the MNOG style):

Our previous artist’s style: inspired by the movies’ aesthetic, and by the MNOG art style.



Just finished looking through.
Great painting on all, and everything looks :ok_hand:.


Man I wish I had the guts to paint a bunch of pieces like that XD I really need something like this for my series Nothing to Lose.


This is so cool.

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The use of the krana holder as a knapsack is creative.

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I want them all…

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Now THIS is a project I’m willing to follow!

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this is dank!

Fantastic job with these, you really put your all into them. The paint jobs especially are well done.

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This is the best collection of matoran ever. Or at least it would be, if it wasn’t lacking one crucial figure. Where’s Good Guy?

wow that group shot is phenomenal 10/10

Wow theses look great

that new gear box is a stroke of genius and i absolubtly love it

I’m glad. It took way too long to get it right -.-

Well, you definitely didn’t spare any expenses.

Man, I would like to have some of these masks …

Interesting gearbox for the Onu Matoran.

However, I’m wondering about two things: Why did you use Mata heads instead of the Matoran heads? Because they have eyestalks?
And why do most of them have yellow eyes? Because they had yellow eyes in MNOG (that’s just guessed) or simply because it was what you had at hand?

I really should play MNOG II some day - I tried once, but it wouldn’t work.

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A slight nitpick, but I believe the Kolhii shields are coloured in MoL, as opposed to silver


Nice! The paint jobs are pretty well done and I like the classic build style. Looking forward to seeing more updates.

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I added the eye stalks as it makes them more reminiscent of their forms in the games and gives them more character.
All but the Ko- and Onu-Matoran have yellow eyes in the games. For consistency, I carried that forward when I made them all.