Final post today on my attempt at compiling all the information of the Brickonicle subcategory. This time it is the entire ecosystem of Artahka, the island.
Here is a link to the Cannon Character Blurb thread.
Here is a link to what seems to be the most up to date map of the island.
Here is a link to the Cannon Story Thread.
Here is a link to @Bokarda 's megathread for future things. It might be a little outdated but you can find old posts here easily.
Got Questions that do not fit in any of those threads? Go to the General Questions thread.
As those who still remember school, an Ecosystem is a community made of living organism and nonliving components. As such, I will divide this post into four parts:
Iconic Places
Anything with a link is something I found outside the Story Bible.
Jakura’s Ideas on regions
Warriors of All Elements (Pitch)
Jakuras G3 Ideas (Pitch)
Army Fighting Styles (Semi-Cannon)
Artahkan Sports (Ignalu canon, rest pitches)
Villages (pitch)
Theoretical Discussion on Elemental Lords and Their Regions
Folktale of the Skull Grinder
Matoran Subfactions (Pitch)
Brickonicle takes place on the island of Artakha, a dense tropical land mass floating on top of an endless sea. The island, split into six regions represented by the 6 elements, is home to a large and diverse cast of characters known as Matoran. Each region is host to its own culture, religions, beliefs, personalities, and economies; all of which help mold a realistic and believable environment for these characters to live in.
The land itself is large, roughly the size of the State of Utah, and takes 4 days to travel from north to south on foot (at an average pace of 4 mph without rest).
The six regions have unique relationships with one another, some positive and some negative. While this story bible will cover some of the relationships and history of each region, as well as the political climate these people find themselves in, there are still tons of secrets and mysteries the island holds locked away that even we have yet to fully discover.
Mangai: The Region of Fire
Ignalu (Cannon?)
Ignalu Arena (Cannon?/Concept)
Mangai Political System (Semi-cannon/Pitch)
Mangai Defense Tower (Concept)
Mangai Wall Attack (Concept)
Mangaian Training Troop (Concept)
Mangai Stronghold (concept)
Lava Farming (pitch/semi-cannon)
Mangaia Keep
Architecture by @ZceeNook
Mangai is home to the Fire Matoran, a subspecies of Matoran with the ability to control fire. The region is located in the center of the island, instantly recognizable by its dark fiery plains, charred forests, and large volcano.
The region is home to a military society whose government and line of power are directly tied to military service and achievements in battle. Comprised of city states, each location is home to their own respective senior general who is a member of the Mangain council. Every ten years the council elects one senior general to act as the region’s representative, called a Turaga. The Turaga oversees Mangaian’s relations with foreign regions on the island.
The Mangain people are fierce, brave, and enjoy combat. Fighting is a sport to the Mangaians, and the city states often host gladiatorial tournaments between each other for glory and pride. Many of the other regions of Artakha view Mangaians as reckless brutes, however the Mangaians view themselves as superior, tough, strong, and the only ones who could stand up to the dangers of the wild and the rahi that inhabit them.
Speaking of the Rahi, the region is home to some of the fiercest predators in all of Artakha.
The Firespitter is a dragon-like creature whose nest is located deep in the core of the Great Volcano. Able to withstand intense heats and known for their rapid breeding cycles, the fire spitters have become a large nuisance to the people of Mangai. In recent years their growth has greatly threatened the city states, leading to a region-wide war against the rahi with efforts to rid the region of them entirely.
Mangai is an impenetrable wall of force and aggression but also features a literal wall that surrounds the border of their civilization, protecting each city state and their villages from Fire Spitter attacks, with which the region is in constant war with.
The Senior Generals are heroes to the people of Mangai and well revered throughout the region. Brothers in arms bound to each other through their service in war, these soldiers are battle hardened and always ready to serve their people till the bitter end. Between the generals, however, only two are the best of their race has to offer. Narmoto of Takoto and Jaller of Takoro are two of the most skilled warriors in all of the land but harbor an intense rivalry, feelings that seem to be shared by their respective cities through intense games of combat in the arena.
Naho: The Region of Water
Sport (Pitch)
Naho Boat (Canon?)
Naho Bridge (Semi-canon)
Lilypad Village (canon?)
Battle Pack
Political Problems (Pitch)
Losing the Masks of Power (Pitch)
Sports: Bumonda, Tajun, Owaki (Pitch)
Fishing Trip (Concept)
Notes on Naho (Concept/Pitch?)
Small Village (Concept)
Naho, home to the matoran of water, is a sprawling city mostly located deep underwater beneath the large coral reefs and tide pools that mark its borders. The population is split between those who dwell on the surface and those who reside mostly under water.
On the surface the region sports long beaches that bridge the Nahoan society to the rest of the island. Known as the City of Sails, it is here that you will find most of Naho’s trade centers and fishing markets, which accounts for a majority of the region’s economic growth. Further north are the tide pools, which many lower income residents call home. Surface dwellers are largely nomadic and the tide pools are ever changing, in the early morning the area is drained of water as the tide recedes back into the ocean, but come evening the tide fills once again. Homes are built on floating vessels that rise and fall along with the tide and can change geographical location depending on where the tide takes it. During heavy storms many of the surface population may move their homes further south, for surface dwellers change is an ever present way of life.
Deep beneath the surface is the Capital, home to the High Priestess who rules over the region along with her arbiters. The arbiters are a religious sect of warriors who oversee the legal affairs of the region under the all knowing eye of the great God Akida. Led by a Judicator, it is their duty to protect the citizens, maintain peace and order, and carry out the doctrine set by the High Priestess.
The region of Naho is largely matriarchal. Females generally act as overseers, handle trading, and are often given positions of command whereas males are delegated to working class positions that focus on manual labor such as gathering and fishing. The higher ones goes in the chain of command the fewer males there are to be found. The Arbiters are comprised of an entirely female community and the region has never seen rule under a male Nahoan. The region is also largely religious, structuring most of its society on a strict code of morals based upon the wisdom of Akida. As such, many Nahoans put great focus on devoting their lives to Akida and see their control over the element of water as the greatest she has passed down to them. To the water matoran, the waters of Naho are the life force of Akida herself and all those who remain faithful are granted the ability to shape and manipulate her.
Because of their deep connection to their elemental lord, many Nahoan people see Akida as the one true elemental god of Artakha and reject the other gods.This has unfortunately led to some hostility and prejudice. Naho itself is largely isolated from the rest of the island, and while trade is a relevant part of Nahoan life, there is a large divide amongst the Nahoan populace about how essential it truly is to their society. Some feel contact outside of their region should be maintained and promoted, while others believe Naho should split off entirely, citing the extreme variety of wildlife and crops within the region allow them to remain largely independent and self sustaining.
Ihu: The Region of Ice
Unnamed Sport (pitch)
Battle Ram (concept)
Snowmobile (concept)
Ihu Attack Force (concept)
Ihuan Gate (concept)
Search Party (concept)
Iconox (The Maze) (Pitch)
Located on the western side of the island, The Kingdom of Ihu is home to the Matoran of Ice. The region is extremely cold, with temperatures dropping below -40 F and altitudes of 9000 meters high, the region is extremely dangerous to those unfamiliar with the territory. Due to the intense conditions, the region has the smallest population of Rahi, with the packs of Muaka on the outskirts marking the only species to officially call the region home. Nestled deep in the center and hidden inside of an icy canyon rest the Kingdom of Ihu overseen by the Great King Matoro.
The kingdom exhibits a classical monarchy, with Matoros lineage ruling over the region for centuries. While the royal family lives in the castle, Ihuan lords control smaller pockets of land overseen by the king. These lords assign tasks to the serfs, be it agriculture, trade, or construction, and are paid for their service by the lord of the land. Built upon a three walled structure, the outer wall marks the border of the kingdom where most of the serfs reside. Deeper into the kingdom is the secondary wall which marks the territory in which the lords reside. The final wall designates the royal land in which the palace sits.
Despite the clear denominations of power within the region, the people of Ihu mostly find themselves content with their home and hold the royal family in high regard. Of all the recent kings, King Matoro has been extremely popular with his people, showing great respect to serfs and lords alike. Eager to be one with his people, he has been known to travel outside of the castle walls and into the outer land to visit citizens, help with work, and support those in need of help. This love and affection for his kingdom has greatly increased not only his popularity, but the popularity of his one and only son Prince Izotar, in spite of his lack of elemental ability.
Out of all the regions of Artakha, Ihu is perhaps the one to hold the smallest stock in their connection with their Elemental God, many of whom even question his existence. The region puts most of their focus on logic and reason, rejecting what, in their eyes, are the more archaic and fantastical beliefs that the rest of the island clings to. They put stake in the actions of individuals and their contributions to their society. As such, their control over ice is as much an extension of their bodies as their hands are, simple tools to aid them in their everyday lives. This ideology comes in handy in cases like young Prince Izotor, who has no natural affinity to ice, which in many of the other regions would seem peculiar. However, the mindset is also the heart of some deep rooted prejudice against the other regions of the island, who many Ihuans believe to be primitive in their beliefs and superstitions. One particular region is their eastern cousins, the Mangaians, who the people of Ihu view as barbaric and brutish.
Kanae: The Region of Wind
Phantoka Sport (Pitch)
Sky Docks (canon)
House (canon?)
The Lost Shrine of Wind (Hight praises/canon?)
Stealth Gukko (Pretty sure canon)
Rock Racers(Pitch)
Defense Team (Pitch)
The region of wind can barely be considered of a region at all, as the majority of it’s land is located way above in the sky! Kanae is home to the matoran of wind and is just as fast paced and exciting as one would expect a floating civilization to be. The citizens of Kanae are always moving, always busy, and always on their feet (except when they’re not). As the major transport center of the island Kanae is connected to every single region through the use of their expert mastery of air travel and Gukko breeding which allows them to handle shipments all over the island. Perhaps the most extroverted race of matoran on Artakha, a Kanae matoran is a true social butterfly and can be spotted in nearly every region of the island delivering packages, giving rides to unruly passengers, or chatting it up with locals. There is no rest for the weary for the Republic of Kanae and never dull moment.
Because of their social status, every region of the island is on good political terms with the matoran of air, despite Naho’s reluctance to open their borders to them. However, due to their hyperactive nature many outsiders can find their company physically draining after extended periods of time. While their aptitude to forming relationships outside of their region is strong, unfortunately their on-the-go behaviour makes it difficult for Kanae matoran to form close bonds with each other. While family units are prevalent, the amount of time they spend together is few and far between and many young Kanae matoran are prone to leaving the nest to begin their adult lives well before reaching full maturity. This lack of traditional guidance may account for their eccentric behavior and their extremely unfortunate death rate. Ironically enough, it seems as though their response to this is to simply reproduce at an extraordinarily rapid rate. Families are known to produce upwards to 12 offspring, which has some deep negative ramifications.
Quality of life in Kanae is low and overpopulation is a serious concern in the region. Unfortunately the government is largely ineffective, comprised of mostly inexperienced representatives elected into power by social elites, of whom ignore the voices of the people and bar voting outside of their social circle making the region is in many ways a republic in name only. With many citizens living in poverty, it’s no surprise that so few wish to stay in their homeland for extended periods of time.
The region is one of the few to still believe in the legend of the Toa and stories of Lewa, the courageous Toa of Wind, are told to most citizens as children. A statue of Lewa rests in the Temple of Faith, with can be found in the Kuma Islets on the southern-most section of the region. The Temple of Uxar can also be found here, where many matoran go to offer blessings of good will to their Elemental Lord in hopes that they will receive good fortune in return.
Tiro: The Region of Earth
Akilini Sport (Pitch)
Battle Pack
Mining Squad
City of Groove
Swamp Strider
Ideas by @ZceeNook
Rite of Passage
To the far north end of the island and nestled deep within the dense forest of Tiro lies the network of burrows and dens that the Matoran of Earth call home. A serene wilderness, the region is populated by many small villages and communes. The natives of Tiro are a very studious and peaceful people, adverse to conflict. They do have a lot of internal, patriotic pride, and they tend to look down on the other tribes and their disputes.
The main export of the region is agriculture and herbs, as many of the communes are built around farming villages. They grow many of the crops used to make food, but there are specialized farms that deal in unique herbs for medicinal purposes. Tiro and Kanae share a very close trade relationship because of how easy it is to transport crops and how readily they’re needed.
Education is one of the most valued principles in Tiro, and many encourage their children to go through the rigorous training in the great Apothecary to become a [doctor], archeologist, historian, or other educated positions. Any educated position is one of the highest paying careers one can have in Tiro, as they are frequently called on as advisers for many of the other Regions.
The Region is home to the Archive Maximus, the greatest archive of all accumulated Matoran knowledge up to a certain point. Many times and important works are recorded and stored here, alongside exhibits of past technology and most living or endangered Rahi. The Archive Maximus hires many scholars, professors and archeologists, whose job is to protect and preserve the legacy and history of what came before, as well as to educate more learned Matoran for the future. Many medicinal remedies came from the study of old techniques, which has blossomed into the medicinal field being a prime course of study at the Archive.
Historically, Tiro was one of the strongest nations, with a very strong military and carried a great deal of influence on the island. But a ■■■■■in priority for the village scaled back on the military presence and instead became focused on education and learning. While there is an active military in Tiro, it has mostly become a mundane and weaker function of the region, definitely weaker than any of the other tribes. There has been an undercurrent revolution with the younger members of Tiro to reclaim their status as the island’s superpower.
Home of the CANON candle head cult
Sketch by @ZceeNook
Motara: The Region of Stone
Motara Caravan
Attack on Motara (Concept)
Traveling Gang
Attack Force
Desert Hut
Ahkmou’s Desert Sailor
The Dark Hunters (Pitch)
Takea Attack (Concept)
Motaran raiders Ambush
The region of Motara is less village and more desert, a wide canyon expanse of endless sand surrounded by an unscalable cliffside. Those who live there either live in the capital, or are nomadic travelers and merchants. While Motara is the capital city, the rest of the region is aptly referred to as “Bara Magna”, the Desert of Sorrows. There are three routes into the canyon, and each one is guarded by a massive gate. The Forest Gate, Tundra Gate and Volcanic Gate are each ruled by one of the three Merchant Kings: Velika, Hafu and Ahkmou. The title isn’t completely accurate, as the “Kings” are more akin to mob bosses. They control all of the importing and exporting that comes out of the desert, imposing taxes on both, and they have their own private armies, but rarely deal with actual ruling matters within the region. This is because Motara is a very lawless land, and is only policed by internal mercenaries working for either one of the kings or the many corporations. This is how so many raiders are able to thrive, as they prey upon the lesser protected/insured merchants as they travel across the desert.
Who the Merchant Kings are is determined by whoever owns one of the gates, as they are the biggest and most consistent form of revenue in Motara, except for sports. The gates are usually transferred between families. However, bad investments can ruin anybody, and sometimes the gates can be bought or taken over. This can be due to a lack of resources, a coup by underlings, or even a hostile takeover.
Hafu, of the Tundra Gate, inherited the position of a Merchant King, but is a master craftsman by trade. He has a monopoly on stone carvings and other pieces of art, which is his own speciality, alongside the trade tariffs and taxes he collects. Velika is the oldest of the Merchant Kings, having had his position owning the Volcanic Gate for a while. He is an eccentric inventor and collector, and is the easiest on immigration into Motara. He tends to speak in riddles, much to the chagrin of the people that have to deal with him. Ahkmou is the newest Merchant King, having recently taken control of the Forest Gate.
The only well-guarded and peaceful place in the entirety of the desert is the actual city of Motara, which is built all around a giant Bank. The three Merchant Kings found it fit to protect their investments, and they came together to build the Bank and its many vaults, as well as donate guards to stop anyone from breaking into it. Over time, a community was built around the bank with housing for miners and merchant families, to protect them while the breadwinners were out underground or on the dunes. Unbeknownst to most, the very bottom floor of the vault is the entrance to the Motari Suva.
The city of Motara, perfectly centered in the eye of the global desert storm is unravaged by the elements, making it the perfect place for a skyport as well as a mega-stadium for Kohli. The skyport generally ferries people to and from the capital, as the merchants campaigned heavily for increased taxes by the Bank on the skyport to discourage air-shipping from Kanae.
The mines are where most of the exports of Motara are produced. Stone, sandstone, lightstones and pure protodermis are found in plenty under the desert floor, and miners work long shifts, often living months of their lives underground. The Motara view work in the mines as payments for debts, and often will trade years of their lives working in the mines to settle what they owe, if they haven’t the capital to pay it directly. Work in the mines is harsh and rough, and most miners end up dying earlier than their usual expected lifespan due to the horrific conditions.
There are many nomadic merchant tribes and small sand villages that pop up here and again, but most are destroyed within a generation, being the victim of a harsh sandstorm, raids, or being burnt down by mercenaries. There are a few mining outposts that have formed around the giant lightstones protruding from the sand. These lightstones are harvested and also serve as giant beacons for the outposts, as refuges for the merchants as they make their way through the treacherous Desert of Sorrows.
Motari merchants rely on giant Rahi in order to pull their carts. Kikinalo and Mahi are the most commonly used Rahi, as they have tremendous strength and endurance as well as the ability to brave the desert wastes.
The Motari culture values haggling, and it is considered rude to not counter a merchant with another offer. It is a form of verbal sparring, and fits in with the lawless nature that most Motari are brought up with. They have little to no concept of actual law enforcement, as their safety all depends on who they’re paying. Their closest concept to a jail is being put into the mines until their debt is paid. A strict morality is not something that is reinforced for them as children.
Anyone from any village can borrow money from the Bank, but they set their own interest rates and their own contracts. If someone borrows from the Bank but is not able to pay it back, they are sentenced to work their debt in the mines. Sometimes, borrowers will go into hiding, and the Bank will employ mercenaries to find them and bring them to work their life sentence. These mercenaries are referred to as Hunters, and the biggest organization of them is known as the Dark Hunters. The Dark Hunters are all given discrete codenames, preceded by the title “the”: The Mimic, The Ancient, The Primal, The Bully, The Beast, The Trigger, and of course, The Shadowed One.