Varderan: Well, the results are back for the fingerprints of the knife.
Kahi: And?
Varderan: The prints match none in the database. Therefore, Chronicler did NOT have his hands on the knife. Therefore, it looks like your debate has fallen flat.
Kahi: (There has to be something else entirely. It looks like Chronicler is guilty for this. He even has a good motive.)
Kahi: You’re right, Varderan. Anyone can be guilty of this crime, because of THIS piece of evidence!
Venom: Oh my! What is that!
Varderan: It’s security camera footage from the scene of the crime. However, he wasn’t supposed to HAVE that…
Kahi: So maybe the killer isn’t proven to be Chronicler because the fingerprints have no match with him, only MT. However, all of this evidence I presented DOES give us another suspect.
Venom: Wait, I’m confused. What is this supposed to show, because this seems pretty bootleg.
Kahi: It shows a person dressed up as Omega Tahu exiting Indigo’s room. After all, that was his room that was in there.
Venom: Oh. Well, that makes sense now.
Kahi: However! The defense would like to point out that the prosecution knew this piece of evidence and withheld it from the court!
Varderan: Well, I didn’t think it would be good evidence, since it just shows the suspect of the case…
Kahi:Sorry, Var, but it seems more like you didn’t want the court to SEE this evidence!
Varderan: Mrph… Ergh…
Kahi: Therefore, I think we should put Var in contempt of court!
Venom: What!? Who shouted that?
Chronicler: I need to tell you something, Kahi. It seems like you have been LEADING the court. Where was your evidence of me being the culprit? It wasn’t anywhere. And this other suspect. How do we even know he exists? Sure, there are other prints on the knife, but if you were paying attention, the prints don’t match anyone in the database, so the only suspect we can use is MT. And you are forgetting that the glass of juice ONLY had MT’s prints. So if someone else were to move it, shouldn’t they have their prints on it?
Varderan: Do you have any PROOF of that?
Varderan: You really disappoint me now, Kahi. Evidence is the key to all these things. Evidence evidence evidence.
Varderan:Now are you gonna present evidence or are you just gonna keep throwing out your ideas?
Varderan: Hah. Just as I thought. You don’t have anything to back up your case. You just threw out a bunch of ideas. Really, Kahi, this is the sloppiest work I’ve seen from you.
Venom: Yeah, I feel like Kahi hasn’t really proven much. Therefore, I’m ready to hand down my verdict.
Kahi: Your honor, we are not done yet. Now please, let me bring MT up to the stand. He needs to defend himself.
Venom: Hmm… Alright, I’ll allow it. But first, I will order a recess. I need to get up and stretch, because my butt is starting to ache. Meanwhile, the prosecution can investigate some more.
MT: Well, we got nothing accomplished, and all that stuff was disorganized. That was the worse trial I have ever seen.
Kahi: Well, it’s not my fault your “friend” sucks at giving me good evidence.
MT: Whatever. Anyways, I would hope you get the trial done today, because Eljay is doing some good cooking right now.
Kahi What?
MT: Look on this screen.
Eljay: Err… Huhuhuh Hi… Eljay here. Today I’m going to be making a peanut butter and-
Eljay: OKAY OKAY! Today I’m going to be making Fugu! Please don’t kill me!
MT: Oh my. Looks like Eljay isn’t doing so good. Can he cook Fugu?
Kahi: Eljay isn’t even a certified chef.
Kahi: Hello?
Assassin: I trust you’ve been helping my client.
Kahi: I’ve been trying, but none of this stuff is really helping me out.
Assassin: Well, what other evidence do you need? And do you have any questions?
Assassin: You’re asking for specifics, which I don’t like. However, this Omega Tahu figure is not someone new. In fact, it’s someone that’s been with the case the whole time.
Assassin: My services? Ah, so you think I killed him. Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. What you should be asking for is evidence. Evidence is the key. You can’t win this by theories alone, Kahi.
Assassin: Ah, logical thinking are we? Hmph. You’re getting a bit too close to the truth. However, I shall not tell you what happened to MT’s phone. I’ll just tell you that it is long gone.
Assassin: How do you expect me to get all these blood types and list everyone that wears that mask? I have to keep Eljay here now.
Assassin: This evidence should be coming your way shortly:
-The Costume
-Planning Book
Assassin: I only help people if I’m hired to do it. But that doesn’t mean MT hired me. For all you know, I could have been hired by someone else.
Assassin: These questions will be answered with a new witness that the prosecution will be presenting shortly. Who this man was? A photographer. He has pictures of the scene. Also, I destroyed the other security footage anyways.
Assassin: Well, I’ll need to go now. Eljay is trying to escape again. That evidence should be on your desk when you arrive in the courtroom.
Kahi: Right…
MT: Well, that sure was a slow 10 minutes. We should head back inside now. Before we go in, anything you need to ask?
MT: …
Kahi: Well?
MT: I left because I needed to talk with Indi. That’s all.
Kahi: What about the juice?
MT: I had juice. Any more questions?
MT: …
Kahi: Well?
MT: I think you ask too many questions, personally. C’mon, let’s go inside. The trial is starting again.
District Courthouse August 10th 9:40 PM
Venom: Dang, that felt like the longest ten minutes of my life. Anyways, let’s get back to the trial. Before we do so, prosecution, would you like to say anything?
Var: Yes, your honor. Can we have a better defense attorney? This one is doing shobby work today.
Kahi: Maybe if you didn’t have such shobby detective work I wouldn’t BE in this mess!
Var: Whatever. Let’s just onto the trial. Your honor, I want to bring up my next witness. A photographer named “Ghostly.”
Ghostly: Hi. I’m Ghostly.
Venom: Hmmm… I wasn’t told of this witness. Is he from the crime scene?
Var: Yes, your honor. But not only that, he claims that he witnessed seeing a man murder Indi, and then he took pictures of his exchange with another man.
Venom: Hmm… Will this be alright with you Kahi? Or do you have any objections?
Venom: Alright, then. You may begin the witness testimony and cross-examination.
Ghostly:Alright, then. Here we go! It was just today when I was walking down the hallway of that TTV Hotel.
Suddenly, I came across a man walking down the hallway, with blood on his hands! It was a man with an Omega Tahu mask! I hid to make sure he didn’t see me. Then he came to a door to talk with some butler or whatever. He took a glass of juice and entered the room. Then he took a book from the butler and entered the room.
Kahi: What did this butler look like?
Ghostly: Well, I can provide a picture I took of him!
Kahi: What was this “book?” Do you know what it consisted of?
Ghostly: AHA! I don’t actually know. However, the book is on your desk!
Kahi: (Well I’ll be. This must be the same book the assassin gave me. Perhaps I should look at some evidence.)
Ghostly: Sure. Here.
Ghostly: It’s actually the picture of him giving Omega Tahu the planner.
Ghostly: Well, I am a professional, after all. It comes with my trade.
Kahi: This is becoming a little suspicious, Ghostly. You have all these good pictures and a robotic arm… And yet, you seem to dodge the question on HOW you took them!
Ghostly: AGH! No! You gotta believe me! I did nothing wrong!
Kahi: It all makes sense! The unidentified prints! The cup could have been moved with the robotic hands!
Var: I think that Kahi is not on the spot of the real point here: there is a mechanical arm. It CANNOT be Ghostly’s because it involves PRINTS.
Varderan: Therefore it would have to have a robotic arm, which Ghostly’s picture shows us!
Venom: So this means all we need to do is find the identity of the masked man?
Var: Wrong, your honor. We still have so much evidence that points to MT being the true murderer.
Var: HOWEVER! I feel that Mr. Kahi over here is still missing one final contradiction. His focus on these details have left him wide open to some contradictions I have found. Let’s hope he can actually find them!
Kahi: Ghostly, your whole testimony falls apart because of one simple thing:
Ghostly: WHA-? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I can’t believe myself!
Kahi: Your honor, I feel if we were to find the real truth, it involves unscrambling his pictures!
Venom: Oh really now? How shall they be arranged?
Kahi: Here is the correct sequence of events, Your Honor. First, the man in the Omega Tahu mask took the glass of juice, and then took the book. Why did he take the book? I dunno, but he did. Finally, he exits the room without both.
Venom: Hmm… That does make more sense. However, I feel we should get more explanation on the book.
Var: No, Your Honor, we don’t. All this evidence thus far has proven to help the prosecution in EVERY way!
Kahi: Um, how? So far I’ve made the case that Omega Tahu took the juice and… Uh oh.
Var:Catching on, are you? Good. If you take a good look at the evidence and the hands, once can see how the case could be made that this actually IS MT!
Var: MT took the book with his robotic hand…
Var: While the juice would have been taken by the other hand. You know, the one that isn’t robotic?
Var: Therefore, MT would have STILL used his hand in order to put the glass! As such, the person in the mask is STILL MT! Especially because of the book.
Kahi: (Gah… My head. This case. It all hurts. What is the true answer? Var’s explanation HAS to be wrong… But how?)
Kahi:Sorry, Var, but you seem to forget that on this costume, both hands are covered, especially with the “juice” arm!
Kahi: Honestly, do you expect me to believe that his fingerprints still showed through the glove? No they did not. Therefore, MT still cannot be the culprit! In fact, this still leaves him ambiguous!
Var: True true… But here is something I also gotta ask you:
Var: What about the sheet with MT’s fingerprints found on it? Have any way to explain that?
Kahi: (Hmm… This should be brought up. I’d need to look at evidence to decipher this one, though).
Kahi: Let’s take a fine look at the evidence, shall we?
Kahi: We are told that THIS bloody sheet is the sheet where Indi was murdered on. However, I think something should be pointed out about the room the sheet was found on.
Var: Go on, Kahi…
Kahi: Now take a look at the hotel room where Indi was! You may notice there was no blood on the floor.
Var: Why would there be? He landed on the sheet.
Kahi: I’ll tell you why there is no blood. That is because…
Kahi: This is visible in this photo, as does it show no where that blood was found on the carpet. The blood would have seeped through the sheet and sink into the carpet, would it not?
Var: Ergh… Then explain the cup! And explain the knife! Why are they there?!
Kahi: I’ve already told you how it would work! The man in the costume already had the cup and could use it to frame MT because he had his hands on it.
Var: But that doesn’t explain the knife or the other dishes in the room! In fact, these pictures Ghostly showed us would suggest that he actually went into Indi’s room to kill him!
Kahi: (What would suggest that he went into MT’s room? C’mon Kahi! You gotta think out of the box!)
Kahi: This picture right here. It shows that the killer had access to MT’s planner, so he could have used MT’s planner to do what he needed to do.
Var: That still explains nothing about the knife.
Kahi: I think you need to pay more attention to your evidence, Varderan, because it states in Chronicler’s testimony that…
Venom: Well then! Looks like this bootleg police work has helped you make your point, Kahi! It looks like the knife could have been moved to the scene!
Venom: Var is right. We still don’t know if the man in the costume is MT or not. Even if he got the planning book, it doesn’t mean that it cannot be his. Nor does the costume mean that he cannot be MT in there.
Kahi: Your honor, I’d like the Prosecution to take the police force and investigate two items: The height of the costumed man compared to MT and if the fingerprints on the mask match the ones on the knife!
Venom: Alright, we’ll continue the trial tomorrow.
Kahi: We-we can’t do it tomorrow. This has to be done TODAY!
Var: There can be no other way to do this trial without going on for another day! We need to investigate these two things, like you wanted, and it’s already getting late for the court.
Venom: Agreed. Court is now dismissed for the Prosecution to investigate.
Kahi: No… Eljay… I’m sorry I failed you… Now you’re gonna have to eat pufferfish… Oh gosh, I am sorry…
District Courthouse August 10th 10:34 PM
Chronicler: …
Kahi: Go away, Chronicler. Seeing you just reminds me of how much I failed today.
Chronicler: I didn’t exactly do too good today either. In fact, my investigation kinda sucked, but hey, I didn’t get much time.
Kahi: Aren’t you supposed to be investigating or something?
Chronicler: No, Var decided that Waj should do the rest. It’s better that way.
MT: Hey, at least I wasn’t found guilty yet.
Kahi: I don’t care about that right now. I’m worried about Eljay.
MT: Oh, he’s gonna be just fine, Kahi.
Kahi: What do you mean? How do you know?
MT: Well… I was watching the show when you were doing your yelling and stuff. Turns out he won’t have to eat it until tomorrow.
Kahi: …
MT: Well, are you happy or what?
Kahi: I’m just happy that it’s over for today. Looks like I won’t get any sleep tonight.
MT: Right. You should go home how.
Chronicler: Meanwhile, I gotta take MT back to the slammer.
Kahi: Goodnight, guys…
I couldn’t sleep very well that night. But after a few cups of coffee in the morning, I knew I had to be more prepared. Besides, Varderan had a much better investigative team working on it now. All I needed to do was organize some things and visit MT in the detention center.
MT: I have no idea of what you are talking about. I’ve never seen a planner like that.
Kahi: Yes you do.
MT: Oh yeah? Then show it to me!
Kahi: You know very well what this book is, especially when it says your NAME on it!
MT: So what does it say?
Kahi: It says “7:20 PM - Revenge.” What was this revenge about?
MT: Pff. Why would I need revenge? I already have everything. And I certainly would not kill Indi over anything.
Kahi: You certainly did have dinner with him though.
MT: So what? What makes you so certain I even entered Indi’s room anyways? Who is to say that it didn’t happen in mine?
Kahi: What are you suggesting?
MT: What I’m suggesting is what you suggested: the murder took place in my room. Now, then, next question.
Kahi: Why did you leave the chatroom.
MT: I had business to do according to my planner.
Kahi: You don’t mean…
MT: Yep.
Kahi: So wait, then. You DID murder Indigo?
MT: Didn’t say I did. I just had to take revenge on something. You know what that would be?
MT: The knife? Take revenge on the knife? Hah! I wasn’t being sarcastic that time you know.
Kahi: So who did kill Indi?
MT: Seriously, Kahi. You are being sarcastic, right? I told you I won’t budge. So what would I want revenge on?
MT: Hmm… So you finally figured it out. As you would imagine, me and Chronicler didn’t exactly get off on the right footing. So I decided we should take it outside of the chatroom right after a meeting in the chat. That’s what “Revenge” was for.
Kahi: Hmm… So then how does Indi play into all of this?
MT: You’ll figure it out in the trial when I witness. However, that doesn’t mean much for now. Now then, any more questions?
MT: Well, he was supposed to, but he didn’t. However, he wouldn’t shut up about it whatsoever.
Kahi: So what you’re saying is that someone killed him over that?
MT: He must’ve blabbed to Chronicler or something, but as if Chronicler killed Indi I do not know. However, I do feel that a motive of “spiting Indi to get revenge on me” is a good motive, wouldn’t you say?
Kahi: No. Chronicler could not have done it.
MT: You sure? After all, me and Chronicler had been gone at the same times. Either one of us is open to being the murderer. The biggest question is: who? Who is the one who did it?
Kahi: It had to be the assassin. But then, why the costume?
MT: Heh. I didn’t want anyone catching me talking with him.
Kahi: So you… You hired him?
MT: Well, I guess the surprise is out now. Of course I did.
MT: I guess I’ll have to show you who I really am, huh? Here we go.
MT:Say hello to the REAL me. The real MT Zehvor. A man of no mercy and sarcasm. How do you like it? The scar really helps show the evil. Now, let’s have some real talk.
MT: Of course not. I’m not going to be stupid and get my hands dirty. Oh, but Pekekoa… Such a fool he is. He got my name all over the evidence. Now he’s trying to fix it. But it’s too late.
Kahi: You know hiring an assassin is HIGHLY illegal?!
MT: Of course I know, which is why I need you to pin the blame on that idiot Chronicler. If he can’t even understand my deep sarcasm he doesn’t deserve to be a Moderator. Now I want you to take that from him.
Kahi: But I… I can’t do that.
MT: Do you want Eljay to die? No? Then do it.
[quote=“Triple, post:878, topic:13016, full:true”]
Why’d you hire the assassin to kill your friend? [/quote] MT: He blabbed to Chronicler about me making a fool of him with a practical joke. So I changed the plans of the prank, but he knew about the changes. As such, I had to get him killed by someone other than me. Someone disposable. Someone like Pekekoa.
MT: Nope. Once the job is done, I won’t need him anymore, and he’ll get his money. All I need YOU to do is get Chronicler guilty. Fortunately, Pekekoa got all the right evidence for that. If I did get caught, however, Pekekoa is going down WITH me.
Kahi: (Drat… How will I ever get out of this pickle? I have no idea… Where shall I go now? To the courthouse? They probably have the evidence there now.)
Starbucks August 11th 10:24 AM
Kahi: What the heck am I doing here for? I’m getting out of here.
Kahi: Well, I’m back here. I gotta think about what I need. Hmm… Something seems off in here. What is it?
Kahi: What is this?
*Kahi opens up the folder. *
Kahi: Why… This is the recording of me and MT’s chat in the Detention Center! Who gave this to me?
District Courthouse August 11th 10:31 PM
MT: Well, Kahi, the prosecution had 12 hours to find more evidence, so let’s see how they did. Are you ready to go inside or are you gonna be a crybaby?
Kahi: I am ready to do what I have to do.
MT: Good. Now let’s go inside. I need to put the wig back on.
Venom:Alright, let’s not waste time. Varderan, if you may.
Var: We have a lot of new evidence we found at the scene. I’ll just dump it all out here.
Var: Firstly, I have this card. The police have seen this before. It shows involvement of Pekekoa De Killer, an assassin who has managed to escape our grasp. We know that the butler in the pictures provided by Ghosty is actually him now.
Var: Looks like Mr. Kahi got more than what he asked for: it appears that our very own Chronicler’s prints were ALSO on the murder weapon. Why? We believe this testimony explains why.
Testimony: “I arrived at the scene before anyone else had, mostly because I grew suspicious of MT’s room. When I arrived in there, I found a pool of blood. I then investigated Indi’s room, and found the murder weapon. I picked it up with my bare hands.”
Var: The costume, on the other hand, could probably fit both the suspects of the scene.
Var: Any questions?
Var: Heheheh. The mask DOES have prints. Both MT and Chronicler’s. Looks like there is no strait-forward answer, huh?
Var: And now we bring up our next witness, who requested only to be cross-examined via the radio: Pekekoa De Killer.
Venom: The assassin!? Why are we having him witness.
Var: Maybe you should ask the defense that question. Why would he be interviewed?
Venom: Hmm… Very well then. Contact him.
Pekekoa:Stchchchch Hello, Kahi. I trust you have been defending Mr. Zehvor quite well.
Var: His work is questionable, but if you say so.
Pekekoa:It was just yesterday when I decided I needed to disguise as a butler to assist the real murderer of the case. It wasn’t that hard. First I provided him with the costume, and then I took the murder weapon and gave him a glass of juice before he went in.
He killed the man, and then I helped him get away with him. He went out of the room and got rid of the costume, and then I kept it away in a secret area! Then I left my card so the cops thought it was me who did it.
Kahi: (Hmm… Maybe I should press these statements first)
Kahi: Who is “he?”
Pekekoa: My employer, obviously. You want me to give a name or something?
Kahi: Oh, you mean MT?
Pekekoa: My REAL employer would be Chronicler. He was the one that requested that I kill IndigoGeek, in order to spite MT. The rivalry between those two is a bitter one! Chronicler went to extreme measures to kill him!
Pekekoa: It was Chronicler that set him up! I left my card to cover Chronicler’s tracks, but he needed to do more of it, and unfortunately now he’s about to be caught. Incompetent is he.
Pekekoa: Um, well, obviously the cup was used beforehand by MT. I just never bothered to wash it…
Pekekoa: Well, um, you see, MT was going to use that for a halloween party the next day…
Pekekoa: Chronicler does not deserve a well-washed cup.
Kahi: Stop being ridiculous, Pekekoa. Everybody knows that Halloween happens…
Pekekoa: Well in my point of view this August was so cold it felt like October, alright?
Pekekoa: Me? I used nothing. Chronicler was the murderer! He even handled the knife!
Pekekoa: Book? What do you mean by “book?” Oh, that one. Whoops. Forgot about that.
Pekekoa: Er… This was before the task was done, right before he went into the room…
Kahi: Really? You don’t sound confident.
Pekekoa: You WANT me to sound confident?! Fine. I did give Chronicler the book before he went in.
Pekekoa: Yep. He was trying to frame MT. After all, they DO not have good standings with eachother!
Pekekoa: The secret area was the dressing room for the butlers, and how I switched my disguise originally.
Var: Chronicler stated that he picked up the murder weapon but put it down where he found it, therefore the murder weapon was found in Indigo’s room, at least according to Chronicler. However, as the defense stated, it’s possible that the body was moved. And now I have evidence for this:
Var: It’s a picture of MT’s room. We raided it and found this pool of blood on the floor. We tested it. It is definitely Indigo’s blood. Therefore the body was probably moved.
Pekekoa: He said he wanted to spite MT. Indi was MT’s friend, and Chronicler felt he could get revenge on MT by killing Indi.
Kahi: Pekekoa, you are lying to the court. I think this was obvious since the minute you spoke here.
Pekekoa: How am I lying?
Kahi: Well, you must be a magician then.
Kahi:Because you can’t give your client the juice if he’s entering MT’s room! He clearly took it AFTER the murder took place! Right in front of Indi’s room!
Var: But that contradicts what you said earlier, Kahi! You said he took the juice before he entered the room when Your Honor asked the sequence of the photos!
Kahi: Well then, past me is wrong. Pek’s client killed Indigo BEFORE he took the juice.
Var: Aha! Then how do you explain this picture!
Kahi: There is a simple solution for this, Var. Take a look at the picture.
Kahi: At first we were lead to believe that the book was being GIVEN to Pek’s client, however, as it turns out, it’s the other way around. Pek’s client stole the book from MT’s room and gave it to Pekekoa.
Var: But I thought those images were of Indigo’s room!
Kahi: Only ONE of them was, which is why we have different perspectives of the pictures!
Kahi: One from MT’s room…
Kahi: And the other from Indigo’s!
Venom: My goodness! That explains everything!
Kahi: Yes it does, your honor. Now the question is…
Kahi: Who really is the murderer?
Pekekoa: Kahi… do you want Eljay to die or something? I’m ready to feed him his fugu… And once he does, I’m sure he’ll die because he did not cut it right.
Kahi: Pekekoa, my only goal is that justice is brought upon the true culprit.
Var: Then who is it? You should present evidence to suggest who did it.
Kahi: Alright, your honor. I’d like to show the court this recording I had with my client, Mr. MT Zehvor.
Pekekoa: That’s it! I’m going to make Eljay eat it! Eljay, come here!
Eljay: NO! PLEASE! I know I didn’t cut it right!
Kahi: NOT SO FAST, Pek! I think you you’d want to listen to this too.
Pekekoa: It better be good, then.
“Of course not. I’m not going to be stupid and get my hands dirty. Oh, but Pekekoa… Such a fool he is. He got my name all over the evidence. Now he’s trying to fix it. But it’s too late.”
“If I did get caught, however, Pekekoa is going down WITH me.”
“As such, I had to get him killed by someone other than me. Someone disposable. Someone like Pekekoa.”
Pekekoa: He… He viewed me as… Disposable? A-and he wanted to take me down down with him?
Kahi: Face it, Pekekoa. My client and yours is the guilty one here. He even admitted it on tape! He hired you to kill Indigo!
Kahi: Which is why you left this calling card! You didn’t leave it to cover up your client, you did it because YOU murdered him!
Pekekoa: Then… Then how do you explain the murder weapon? It had MT’s and Chronicler’s prints on it!
Kahi: The biggest thing here is the autopsy report. Indigo was apparently killed in a struggle and stabbed multiple times, with the killing blow in the heart. The amount of precision to stab a person strait through the rib cage in the open area in a struggle is quite amazing. Plus, this picture shows you wearing gloves, so you could have handled the knife!
Kahi: Add the calling card, and we find that only a trained assassin could have done this.
Kahi: And that trained assassin was YOU, Pekekoa!
Pekekoa: Hurghurghurghhurghhurgh!
Kahi: Now do you see the truth, Pekekoa? You are the murderer, and MT used you to get away with killing Indi all over trying to embarrass Chronicler in a practical joke that turned out to never happen.
Pekekoa: The-the nerve of MT… Heh. Hey, could you bring MT forward for me?
MT: Hello, Pekekoa! How do you do!
Pekekoa: You can remove the wig, skrub. Your stupid secret is out.
MT: Okay then.
MT: What’s the big deal?
Pekekoa: Oh, you traitorous slime… Once your declared Not Guilty, I WILL find you… And I will kill you…
MT: Heheh… What?
Pekekoa: You heard me… Once you’re declared Not Guilty, I will find you… And I will kill you…
Var: Is that a threat? Quickly! Someone trace his signal!
MT: He… He left… Oh no…
Kahi: Well, then… Looks like the next thing that’s gonna explode his his excitement for a not-guilty verdict.
Venom: Well, I think that ends our proceedings for today. I’m ready to give my verdict. Any objections?
Var: Well then… Defense? What shall we do? Guilty or not guilty?
Kahi: Your honor, I say we declare him to be guilty!
Venom: But Kahi! Then you’ll lose the case!
Kahi: It doesn’t matter. We know he hired an assassin to kill Indigo, so justice will be served to him.
Venom: Alright then. I find the defendant, MT Zehvor…
Venom: The court is now dismissed.
District Courthouse August 11th 10:59 AM
Eljay: Kahi, thank goodness. You saved my skin back there!
Kahi: How did you get all the way over here so fast?
Eljay: Once the assassin heard the recording, he let me go.
Kahi: Right. Anyways, I’m just glad you are alive.
Eljay: But I guess your record is now destroyed.
Kahi: Meh. Doesn’t matter. I’m still better than you in every way.
Chronicler: Hey guys.
Kahi: Chronicler…
Chronicler: If you want to apologize, no need to. I need to stop doing such cruddy work.
Kahi: No, I wasn’t going to apologize, I was gonna ask… Were you the one who gave me the tape?
Chronicler: … Maybe.
Kahi: Of course it was you.
Chronicler: I knew that MT was guilty… So I needed to make sure that he didn’t get away with killing Eljay. So yeah.
Kahi: …
Eljay: Waj is still the better Mod.
Chronicler: Oh of course he is. That’s undeniable fact.
And so ended the story of MT and him trying to get away with murdering Indi. Not like it mattered, since Indi is barely on the boards anyways. Oh well. Still, RIP in peace Indi.
Regardless, this would spark up other cases, mostly because of the sloppy police work. It would only be time until everything would go downhill from here. We would enter the darker age of the Message Boards…
#The End (Of Part 2 of Episode 4!)
I’d like to thank Pekekoa for all the work he did to help me with the case. It was a blast.
Kahi: Ugh… Who are you again? My head is killing me.
???: Kahi, what kind of game are you playing?
Kahi: It was a simple question, dude.
???: Name’s Mesonak. You seriously don’t remember me? Oh, does that mean you forgot your own name? Well, your name is Scrub, then! No… xxx_MLG_Skrub_Noscope_XxX!
Kahi: (How do I get this guy to shut up?)
(Remember, guys! We need to vote on a certain answer and pick it!)
Meso: Woah woah. No need to get hostile. It’s just a prank, bro.
Kahi: I’m serious, “Mesonak.” Where am I? The last thing I remember was being in my office.
Meso: You don’t mean you forgot the whole case?
Kahi: I may have… Wait, this is a court case correct?
Meso: What else would it be?
Kahi: Then who am I defending.
Meso: Me, silly. That’s why I woke you up. So, are you ready for the case because we gotta go in soon!
Meso: No problem, Kahi!
Meso: So basically there was this problem with some leaks and stuff, alright? And when I was trying to get rid of a leak off of a board on the TTV building, people thought I did it. So you gotta defend me for it! Anything else?
Venom:Alright, everyone. Order in the court. Today we face the trial of Mr. Mesonak of posting Fake Leaks onto the 2016 Board for the TTV Building. Is the defense ready?
Kahi: Ergh… I’m not so sure if I am ready…
???: Please, Mr. Kahi. We need to get this trial started! Are you ready or not?
Kahi: I guess I would be considered “ready” even though I don’t feel that way.
Venom: Kahi, please. No need for jokes today. This is a serious crime we are talking about! Worthy of a firing! Please, just take this a little more seriously. Kapeesh?
Venom: Good, then. Mr. Slime, please open with the opening statement.
Slime: Of course. Er, heh. It was on January 4th when Mr. Mesonak was seen distributing leaks on the 2016 topic. He was seen by two witnesses: Mr. Plural Ogel, and Mr. Nekchir.
Mesonak was shortly “arrested” later and is now being tried for illegal distribution of leaks.
Kahi: (Hmmm… That statement thing sounds fishy… Should I object?)
Kahi: Er… Why was Meso arrested if he was upholding the law?
Slime: Well OBVIOUSLY he was caught pasting the image of a leak on the board outside of the TTV building and offices. Our next witness should be able to tell us more. Are you done?
Slime: N-no reason! No reason at all! It’s just kinda hot in here!
Venom: Shall we bring up the witness?
Slime: As you wish, Kahi.
???: Ugh.
Slime: Alright, let’s get down to business.
Cronk: Chronicler ModSquad, but my frien-
Slime: Yeah yeah, we know. You’re a Moderator.
Cronk: Gee thanks. I can’t even finish sentences in this court.
Slime: Just hurry up with the testimony.
Cronk:On the 24th of December, the new “Leak Laws” were set in place by the TTV Cast. This banned ANY leaks from being spread. Of course, Mr. Mesonak himself posted the leaks hoping he could spread the news.
It was on the BIONICLE 2016 topic on January 4th he posted the leaks. They featured a green monster thing. They also had the word “confidential” written on them. Pretty suspicious if you ask me.
The leaks? Leaks for a Jungle Beast and a bunch of other creatures, and a new Umarak. Unfortunately, the Moderators could only get one of the leaks, the Jungle Beast one.
Of course, Mr. Mesonak tried to cover it up by deleting the post. However, Plural and a Mr. Nekchir managed to get a quick glimpse and flagged Mr. Mesonak’s post.
Kahi: (Time to pick apart his statement!)
Court Record
- My attorny’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
Slime: Well, he didn’t SEE it happen, but he’s a detective. He investigates the scene after it happened, which is why he’s a witness.
Slime: Something is terribly wrong with your head, Kahi. Did you not listen to what he said?
Slime: He obviously stated that Mesonak posted the leaks hoping to spread the news of them.
Cronk: Er, here. It was a listing along with a picture.
List of Leaks:
Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. The complete list.
Cronk: Here is the leak itself. It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016. Pretty neat but also very illegal.
Court Record
- My attorney’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016. List of Leaks: Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. The complete list.
Slime: Your gonna get what you’re gonna get, sonny jim. Now use the evidence fairly otherwise you’ll get in trouble! Besides, you have no PROOF of fabrication!
Cronk: This was found on the board, as well. Except it lacks any fingerprints whatsoever.
Kahi: I hate to say it, but since Mesonak lacks his prints on this photo, what even suggests that he even did it in the first place?
Slime: I have my witnesses, who saw it all. Just trust me on this.
Kahi: I have a hard time trusting you when you don’t even provide the evidence that made it so Meso was even convicted. Even now you have a flaw in your evidence! Who could have put it on there!?
Slime: Er… Maybe he had gloves?
Kahi: You have no PROOF of that! Just get a witness already! Please!
Slime: Fine, then. If you’re so smart, pick your own witness!
-Plural Ogel
Kahi: I say we go with Mesonak. I need my witness to speak up for himself!
Mesonak:It was January 4th when I came across some guy named Nekchir. He came from Eurobricks, some foreign country, and wanted to show me some leaks. However, I advised against it. I know this with absolute certainty.
Soon he posted the leaks on the boards. I had to delete them but it was too late. For some odd reason people thought I posted them because I was caught taking them down from the board in front of the TTV building! I was framed!
Mesonak: You won’t believe this. I was in a PM with Nekchir at around 3:37 PM. You wanna know what it said?
Meso: Alright! Here we go! I’m so excited!!!
3:37 PM Nekchir: “Well, I guess since YOU can’t approve of this, I’ll just post it elsewhere.”
Meso: Lol that’s it.
Kahi: You-you mean… THIS is your only alibi!?
Slime: Heheh. Looks like Meso doesn’t have a lot of stuff to defend him.
Kahi: This is it, Slime! Meso’s alibi! And it’s an alibi alright!
Kahi:NOW we have a statement from Nekchir admitting his guilt! HE was the one who posted them!
Slime: WHAT! YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS! This is your evidence!?
Venom:Mr. Kahi, are you suggesting that a witness we haven’t even seen COME UP YET is already guilty of the leaks?
Kahi: I am saying we do have evidence that suggests Mr. Nekchir could have done it, making him a suspect. We must consider all possibilities here. On the other hand Mesonak doesn’t have any evidence condemning him.
Venom: Regardless, it seems now that you are trying to move the case over to Mr. Nekchir? What does the Prosecution think of this?
Slime: I think Kahi is a scrub and that he is-
Venom: Slime! Let’s be serious here! I need a real answer. What do you think? Do you WANT to bring out Nekchir?
Slime: I think it would be better to bring out Plural, personally.
Venom: Hm. What does the defense say?
Kahi: Your honor, the defense agrees. We need an actual eye-witness to confirm.
Venom: Alright! Bring him up!
Plural: Hiya scrubs! Are you interested in some Eggo Waffles?
Plural: Aw, but I can give you a SPECIAL offer. Buy 1 Eggo Waffle and get 2 free! How does that sound?
Plural: Quite frankly, I don’t believe ya. HOWEVER, I can give you special coupons that expire by tomorrow. Please? I need business.
Plural: Yeah I saw that scrub post those leaks. He was busy trying to remove him once I came into his sight. He successfully took them off but then ran away once I called out on him. This was at 3:39.
He also dropped another item, which was this salt shaker. It was SALTY alright. I chased after him and he dropped another piece of paper: a note he got from someone. I also dropped some of my eggo waffles at the scene.
Court Record
My attorney’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016. Has no fingerprints on it whatsoever.
List of Leaks: Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. Taken from Lego’s inner coding. Unsure of date when that happened.
PM from Nekchir:
3:37 PM
Nekchir: “Well, I guess since YOU can’t approve of this, I’ll just post it elsewhere.”
Plural: You’re gonna have to buy some waffles, m8.
Plural: You’re missing out, kid.
The Note:
The Jungle Leak? I just made that one up. I could fool the cast, the members of TTV because I will be seen like a giver of good to them. These people will eat up these leaks.
Slime: Yeah. I wonder WHY he would take down the leaks… Unless they were HIS!
Kahi: Seems pretty obvious to me! Meso was trying to serve justice to the leaker! So he kept the note as evidence!
Slime: What if I told you the NOTE has Meso’s fingerprints on it?
Kahi: He obviously kept the note. Duh. That’s why his fingerprints where on it.
Slime: Heh. Right.
Slime: Ah alright! Fine! I’ll give the counter claim: Your seeming to forget ONE thing: if the note was from Nekchir, why would there be no fingerprints on it from him? Would he have written it?
Slime: I finally got ya, Kahi. You have no evidence of any type of gloves whatsoever!
Plural: It’s typed all right! I’m still wondering why you didn’t ask for the salt!
Plural: It’s pretty fine salt, but I personally would not use it for waffles.
Plural: Yeah there are. They belong to Mesonak as well. Why he had salt on them? Beats me.
Kahi: Just shut up already! You’re leading my line into a loop! What is this, some type of trickery to make me buy waffles?
Plural: …
Plural: No.
Kahi: What about 'em waffles?
Plural: Oh hey! You interested now? I’ll give you some. Here’s the secret, though: there from a very special person.
Plural: The waffles I would be proud to give ya! You wanna know the secret person? Hehehe. I stole them from this guy named Looch. Yeah, he’s pretty neat. He hates everything. He stole these waffles from me and I got them back. Funny thing is, he had a connection to an infamous leaker. His name is on the box.
Slime: No proof, no pictures, no verdict! For all you know this “Looch” guy could have run out of ink on the other pen and used a different one!
Plural: Well I don’t put a big fat “M” on my special edition Eggo Waffles box, so no, the M was not there, but neither was anything else. That stupid Looch guy has no consideration for novelty items!
Plural: Hehehe… Um, I would not like to discuss him further. What about that salt, though? Any questions for it?
Plural: You’re not gonna believe this! It… Is Sodium Chloride! Hah! You see! It’s just pure salt! I think… Actually, I never actually checked the contents. It LOOKS like salt.
Plural: Well, I actually stole it from Looch, so yeah. Don’t trust it.
Plural: I bet I know what it is! I think it’s poison!
Kahi: SHUT UP WILL YOU? You’ve just LIED to the court? How am I supposed to believe your testimony?
Plural: You see, that Nekchir guy? He threatened me. So I’m just trying to do my best to not die, okay?
Kahi: [You know you are in the court of LAW?][1] Just because you’re threatened doesn’t mean squat! Plural, what is the TRUTH?
Plural: Maybe you should ask Nekchir yourself. I’ve said enough.
Slime: Ugh… Did he just eat the CONTENTS of that bottle!? Quick, someone get a medic!
Kahi: You’d better get Nekchir right now, Slime. This case isn’t over until it’s over!
Venom: But don’t you think we should take a break?
Kahi: I refuse to take a break! We can convict Nekchir NOW!
Nekchir: [Nope.][2] I never said that! I’m an honest man with honest ideals. I was walking my way to get some things from Looch when I noticed Mesonak posting some leaks. I told him to stop it! But he posted them. Then that Plural fool came along and scared him away. I gave chase, and he dropped something in which Plural picked up.
I tell you, though! Meso did it all!
Court Record
My attorney’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016. Has no fingerprints on it whatsoever.
List of Leaks: Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. Taken from Lego’s inner coding. Unsure of date when that happened.
PM from Nekchir:
3:37 PM
Nekchir: “Well, I guess since YOU can’t approve of this, I’ll just post it elsewhere.”
The Note:
“The Jungle Leak? I just made that one up. I could fool the cast, the members of TTV because I will be seen like a giver of good to them. These people will eat up these leaks.” Has Meso’s prints.
Waffles: Contains an M?
Kahi: Honestly, Nekchir, I’m tired of this. I already have evidence against you.
Nekchir: Really? Prove it.
Kahi: The private message states Meso would not approve of the post you would make!
Nekchir: Doesn’t mean I actually DID it.
Kahi: What about the note Meso dropped?
Nekchir: Had his fingerprints. Yawn Are we done yet?
Kahi: Now I know Meso personally, and if there is ONE thing Meso would never create, [it would be a fake leak.][3]
Nekchir: Uh, what? What do you mean? My fingerprints would not be on it!
Kahi: You’re right. There are none. Now why would THAT be?
Nekchir: Ergh… Because nobody touched it? That must be why!
Kahi: Someone HAD to have touched it. Meso didn’t have his prints on it, and this contradicts the list. It’s a fake leak. And I think it was made by YOU! Plural or Meso could not have done it!
Nekchir: What is this? These accusations have no standing!
Kahi: You also THREATENED Plural, which led him to eat the salt! He claims you did so! Why would you need to threaten him if you were not guilty?
Kahi: Also, the note Mesonak got a note for you saying you were gonna post them without your permission. Did we ever get fingerprints for that.
Venom: No, I don’t believe we have. Shall we get the prints on them?
Cronk: Even though Nekchir sent Meso this note, we can confirm it as his. What we can ALSO confirm is that the salt shaker actually belonged to Nekchir, confirming his presence at the scene!
Kahi: (This is it, Kahi! The final straw to take down this madman! I got the proof now!)
Kahi: So many contradictions, Nekchir! The lack of fingerprints on the jungle beast yet the note having Meso’s prints, admitting to using the Jungle Beast? Obviously the note was forged.
Nekchir: NO!
Kahi: The salt shaker, though. It confirms that YOU were at the scene of the crime! You even admitted to posting the leaks.
Nekchir: NOOOO!
Kahi: And finally, the leak itself is an obvious phony. It just looks terrible! Meso could do better than that!
Nekchir: AAAAAAAAUGHK- Aughk… Augh…
Venom: Yeah, that’s true. Honestly, this is such an easy verdict I’m just gonna pass it right now.
Slime: I didn’t even get a counter argument but okay.
Nekchir: i cri everytim.
Meso: You did it, Kahi! You defeat the bad guy!
Kahi: Yeah, but I will admit, this whole case? VERY sloppy.
Meso: Meh, you’ll be okay. I guess.
???: No it will NOT be okay.
Eljay: [That][4] back there was the WORST trial I had ever seen. Like, there was NO effort put into it AT ALL.
Kahi: Eljay? What are you doing in that rediculous get-up?
Eljay: Never mind it. I’ve had it with this cruddy system and how sloppy the cases are created. Half of those contradictions didn’t even work and you kept falling for that dumb Plural guy’s tricks. He’s not even dead. He’s alive and well, actually. But man that was sloppy. Like, you should not have even WON this case sloppy. I’m sorry, but the writing was like it didn’t even care about the fa-
Kahi: I’d like to see YOU do better!
Eljay: Oh I can, and I will. I’m gonna fix this dumb legal system, and I’m gonna get a better detective and better witnesses. You’d better believe it. The PAIN is going to come. You’d better get on your Adaptive Armor, Kahi. Otherwise you will NOT survive this legal system.
Kahi: Gee, that’s a lot of threats isn’t it? Well good luck with that, Miru guy.
Eljay: You will regret taking me for granted!
Kahi: Oh come on, I’ve had to defend you like two times already. You won’t even stand a chance.
February 3rd, 2016 Outside the Courthouse. 12:00 PM.
Kahi: (Well that was a mess. Oh well. Finally I get to go home and get some rest.)
Kahi walks out of the courtroom and begins to walk down the street when he notices a yellow waffle truck. Kahi tries to turn around but the owner catches up to him.
Plural: Hello, random pedestrian! Would you take some interest in some WAFFLES?
Kahi: Might as well.
Plural: Ah! You picked the right place for fresh waffles! It’s guaranteed fresh!
Kahi: …
Plural: ?
Kahi: You know these are packaged, right?
Plural: Maybe.
Kahi: You know what? I’ve had enough of your crud today! You embarrassed me in court and now you’re trying to sell me cheap waffles! What kind of a sick man are you?
Plural: I’m a Lego System enthusiast and seller of waffles! What else would I do?
Kahi: I dunno, get a life? Now I need to go. I can’t be out in the sun too long without my sun glasses.
Plural: WAIT! Actually, I need your help with something.
Plural: You know how the Mafia is. They track down your secrets. Recently I’ve been stealing some of their precious items to make sure they try to track them down. I’ve been in touch with the police department VERY recently. Giving 'em invisible messages on the inner doings on the mafia. The thing is, though, Looch knew about these invisible messages, and is trying to find a way to decode them!
That’s why I need help! I’m sure he’s gonna find a way soon! And once he does he’s going after me.
Plural: Bah you sound like one of them. But whatever. I’ll see you at your office. Anything else you wanna ask before I go back into the truck?
Plural: Well if you don’t have anymore questions, I guess I’ll be getting back inside the truck. Remember kids, keep your receipts! You never know when the government is gonna get after ya!
Plural enters his truck.
Where to now?
Kahi: Well, it’s always nice to get a nice warm coffee at times. I’m gonna need it for today. Plus I’m really thirsty.
Kahi: Home sweet office. Now to go back into leisure mode. Hopefully I don’t get another case.
Kahi: What? What is this? A Note?
Note from Var:
Dear Kahi,
I’ve been needing to introduce you to this young lady for a while. She was recently hired into the TTV Podcast for her amazing art. However, she has quickly begun to annoy me. Like, SO MUCH I CAN’T EVEN STAND IT ANYMORE. I AM LOOSING SLEEP, KAHI. SLEEP. Please, take her off my hands a bit. You may benefit from it.
P.S. You’re not allowed to refuse this offer or you’re fired.
Shall we take it? Yes or yes?
Kahi: Well that’s just lovely. Who could this young lady be then? Hopefully she isn’t TOO bad.
“IT IS 3:38. Would you like me to alter that fact?”
“It is now 4:38.”
Venom: I find the defendant… GUILTY!
“Me, guilty? No… Not possible… I didn’t do anything wrong! Please!”
You have met a terrible fate, haven’t you?
Kahi: Ugh… It was that same dream… The one I had before the last case. What is up with that?
Kahi: Time to get out that old Muaka again from that case back in September.
Kahi: This little guy. Are you the source of my bad dreams? I really hope not. Maybe I should not have kept you after that case.
Kahi: I can’t help but think something is up with that case… Like it was never finished. Bah, maybe it’s just nothing.
Kahi: I need to go to the court and see the files. Something is very, very wrong.
Kahi drives to the court to see the records for the Solek incident. However, he doesn’t see anything wrong with it yet.
Kahi: Just the same stuff I already knew.
However, Kahi comes upon a newspaper.
Kahi: What is this?
Newspaper: COMMON BURGLAR ESCAPES! Former Mod Squad member John Smith escaped from a police car in September 7th of 2015 when he was being transferred from the detention center to actual prison.
The police tried to find him, but to no avail. He is currently missing.
???: No time. Just please, open your door! He’s onto me?
Kahi: WHO? Who’s onto you?
???: Looch. He’s finally compromised me. This is bad news, Kahi. NOW PLEASE OPEN YOUR DOOR!!
Plural stumbles onto the floor and locks the door.
Plural: Oh gosh, he’s done it. He cracked my code. Now I’m gonna be in a world of PAIN!
Kahi: Just calm down, Plural. Now, I’ll call the police.
Plural: No time! Hide me, please!
Kahi: Alright! Stay behind that counter! I’ll go confront him… With whatever I have.
Kahi closes the door behind him and goes down the hallway. He doesn’t see Looch.
Kahi: Hello? HELLO? Is anyone down here?
Kahi looks outside of a window. The Eggo truck is down in the parking lot, but no other cars besides Kahi’s are. Kahi turns around to go back to his room. His door is opened.
Kahi: Oh no… No no no no no…
Kahi: Oh no… Oh please no…
Kahi: PLURAL! Are you alright?
Plural: Hmm, well does it look like that to you? Kahi, please. I need paper to write my will… My system collection… Cannot be left to anyone but my family… If I even have one…
Kahi hands him paper and a pen.
Plural: No, to the body, stupid.
Kahi hands the body paper and pen. However, it proves to be impossible to write.
Plural: Oh no, he’s gonna take my system sets too.
Kahi: Please, Plural. Don’t panic. I’m gonna call 911. You can live.
Plural: No I won’t. I really, really will not.
Kahi: … Okay you’re right on that.
Plural: Kahi…
Kahi: Yes?
Plural: Cronk…
Plural: Cronk is a… A… Scruuuub.
Plural dies that instant. Kahi begins to panic. However, as he turns toward the phone, Prpl has blood on her hands.
Kahi: !
Prpl: How did this even happen? One moment I’m eating snacks, and the next I have this… Blood on my hands… Or whatever the heck it is. I think it’s blood? I should probably taste it to figure it out.
Kahi: Look, I have absolutely no idea what happened last night. At first some waffle guy comes knocking at my door, and then suddenly I run down the hall, but when I come back the waffle guy is decapitated and you have BLOOD on your hands! What’s the deal there?
Prpl: I was awakened by that Plural guy yelling. I came into the room he was in and suddenly this guy with goofy glasses was standing over Plural’s body! On the floor is a Muaka and Plural’s head. Looch tries to attack me but I grab the sword. He pulls it out of my hands and he flees. On my hands are Plural’s blood! He looks at me and tells me to run, but you suddenly come into the room.
Prpl: No idea. I honestly am forgetting a lot of the small details. Again, it was like one of those Japanese horror flicks. Now hurry and go investigate!
Kahi: Well might as well do that. Who was this “Master of Facts.”
Waj: Mr. Von Canon of course. He taught Eljay how to determine if something was true or not. So basically, Eljay questions everything a defense attorney presents.
Kahi: So he was serious then. He’s really going all at it!
Waj: Yeah I know. He’s pretty great. Now please, leave the scene of the crime. I’m trying to investigate.
Viper: Hmph. Very well. You won’t get much though.
Kahi: What is up with you? I thought you said you didn’t have a grudge.
Viper: Oh, I don’t. It’s Zaktan that has the grudge.
Kahi: Where did you see the murder take place?
Viper: I was standing at the right window when I saw the law office building next door have an opened window. There I saw it: Prpl Dragon murdered Plural by decapitating him! It was horrifying… I could not believe such a thing would happen… I called the police shortly afterwards.
Viper: Personally, I couldn’t see much. The small details were not easy to look at.
???: You! You were that guy at Mesonak’s trial! You were terrible back there!
Looch: Name’s Looch, the most fabulous being on the planet. Unfortunately my waifu did not come with me to Sears. I’m always in need of a new Laundry Machine.
Kahi: (I seriously don’t want to know why.)
Looch: So what brings you here? Washing machine shopping as well?
Looch: Oh! A few questions? Hmm… Do I even have time for that? No. I’m busy shopping for laundry stuff. Carry on.
Looch: Looks like someone has been digging his shovel too far into my secrets. You know, I could have my buddies 360 No Scope you right now, but I kinda like you. Sorta. Not really. I hate everyone.
Kahi: (Make up your mind.)
Looch: Regardless, you have no proof and I do not intend to go to the trial tomorrow whatsoever. I already cleared my name. Nobody but that weird purple-haired girl saw me in the room. At least, that’s according to me. You see, you can’t win. You couldn’t win from the beginning.
Looch:Nobody’s gonna believe you anyways, so I’ll tell you. Everyone thinks I’m a weird rich weeaboo who goes around sears. Well, that’s partially it. But I also work under the Mafia, under the information sect. I want to know EVERYTHING about my enemies.
Kahi: Even Plural?
Looch: Yes, even that annoying little boy.
Kahi: What did you want out of him?
Looch: He had things I couldn’t have… Er, I won’t say it. Regardless, he stole that salt from the mafia and my packages of waffles, and he tried to make a buck off of my earnings. Nobody steals stuff from me. NOBODY.
Looch: You didn’t expect this? What a bummer. I’m gonna call the police on you. You’re the one who MURDERED Prpl, not me.
Kahi: But I-
Looch: SNAKE! Take this man away! He murdered a woman last night!
Kahi: No I didn’t! Please!
Cops: Yeah yeah, whatever. You’re coming with us.
Kahi: NO! Please! You gotta believe me!
February 5th, 2016 Detention Center. 12:30 PM
Kahi: Ugh… What a night. I can’t believe I got drug into this. That idiot Looch… Blaming me for the murder. Now what am I gonna do? I can’t defend Prpl.
???: Yes you can, and you WILL.
Kahi: Who- who is there?
Eljay:I am, and I’m not letting YOU get charged for the murder. Especially when my detectives say you were COMPLETELY innocent. Therefore I have a warrant to let you go.
Kahi: Eljay… You know what is going on don’t you? That Looch guy! He is pure evil! You have to convict him now!
Eljay: … Just hurry up so you can get out of here.
Kahi: Eljay… You do know he did it right?
Eljay: Hmph. I’m just looking at the facts, Kahi. Regardless, you got a trial to get to.
Kahi: That fiend… He stopped my investigation. He got me arrested before I could figure out anything else!
Eljay: Please. Just get out of that cell and come here. You’re gonna be late for the trial.
Kahi: Will do.
February 5th Defense Lobby #3 12:50 PM
Kahi:What the heck?! Put away those snacks! Court is about to begin. Ugh. I’ve been stricken with tiredness.
Prpl: Why?
Prpl: Is it just me or did I find it comfy in the detention center?
Kahi: WHAT? Just-
Kahi: You’re not helping.
Prpl: Lol was I supposed to?
Kahi: Look, I have ZERO evidence to help you out, Prpl. I got NOTHING but my attorney’s badge.
Prpl: And you got salt. Don’t forget salt.
Kahi: I guess that helps?
Prpl: I hear it’s good luck to tip salt over. I hear it brings 7 years of good luck.
Kahi: (Who is telling you these lies?)
???: WAIT! Kahi!
Kahi: Chronicler? What are YOU doing here?
Chronicler: I gathered some evidence for ya. Don’t tell Eljay. I took it from the police station after I heard that Eljay was gonna disregard it.
Kahi: Why would he do that?
Cronk: I dunno. He was saying something about you bringing trials unfairly to a close, like the last time. He wants to teach you a lesson.
Kahi: What in the WORLD did I do wrong to him?
Kahi: So what do we got here?
Cronk: I got a thing of spray paint, and some pictures of the Waffle truck that was vandalized. I also got this case of waffles from the scene. It contains the prints of somebody. I also got this watch that was dropped outside your law offices. Unfortunately, I forgot a finger-print analysis. You’re just gonna have to figure it out on your own, pal. You should probably examine them so you have it for the Court Record.
A normal watch that happens to lack any fingerprints. Was found outside of TTV Law Offices.
Cronk: This is the normal truck.
Cronk: Today we found the truck to be vandalized. Whoever did it wasn’t very good at it.
Stolen yesterday by Plural. It seems to have the “M” washed off. However, it still retains the prints of Plural and Looch. Has been opened, and is missing a waffle.
Venom:Order! Order in the court! We must get onto this proceeding. Today’s proceedings is following the murder of Plural Ogel by Ms. Prpl Dragon. And thus begins the trial of Kahi Nuva Vs. The TTV Message Boards. Is the defense ready?
Kahi: The defense is ready.
Venom: Hm? Who is this prosecutor? You must be new around these parts.
Eljay: My name is Lewa Johnson. Just call me Eljay, please. Nothing more.
Venom: Well, it is by the request of Mr. Eljay that we have a test trial today for the murder of Plural. Mr. Eljay today is trying to incorporate a new penalty system against the defense since he believes the defense has recently been using dirty tactics. Do you agree with these claims, Kahi?
Kahi: No I do not, your Honor!. This is completely stupid, Eljay. Just look at that ridiculous get-up you’re wearing! Who wears those things around their neck anymore?
Eljay: I must be in style if I am to prosecute, now, SILENCE Kahi. Do I need to take off a penalty for you and your off-topic discussion? Don’t make me delete it.
Eljay: Basically, it works like this. You get six strikes. When all six are up, you lose the case. There is no going back. Prpl dragon gets booted. No re-trials, no nothing. So you’d better hope that you’re going on the right track!
Eljay: Also, I must mention. You can gain BACK your strikes if you make a good point. But only if the judge approves. Fair?
! ! ! ! ! !
Eljay: Good. Now the trial shall truly begin.
Venom: Whatever you say, bo- er I mean, “Eljay.”
Kahi: (This is a complete attack against me! I didn’t do anything wrong and now I have to deal with these stupid penalties? This is ridiculous!)
Eljay: The prosecution brings up its first witness, Detective Waj.
Eljay: State your name and occupation.
Waj: Name’s Waj. I’m a Moderator on the TTV Message Boards and lead detective. I’ve been on the force for a while.
Eljay: That’s good. Please state your testimony.
Waj:It was on the night of February 3rd when I got a call from Ms. Dee Viper about a murder in the office of Kahi Nuva. I rushed on over and found the following things: A sword, the autopsy report, the mask of the victim, and finally a photo of the crime scene.
We searched that night and found only evidence that suggested that Prpl Dragon was the murderer, and nobody else.
Eljay: And there goes your first penalty! You have no evidence!
! ! ! ! !
Court Record
Attorney’s badge: Tells people that I’m an attorney. Watch: A normal watch that happens to lack any fingerprints. Was found outside of TTV Law Offices. Eggo Waffle Truck: Say’s “Plural’s Leggo Waffles.” Originally said “Plural’s Eggo Waffles.” Waffles: Stolen yesterday by Plural. It seems to have the “M” washed off. However, it still retains the prints of Plural and Looch. Has been opened, and is missing a waffle. Spray paint: Has the prints of Plural on it. Sprays black paint.
Waj: It’s all here.
Waj: The supposed Murder Weapon. Contains the fingerprints of Prpl Dragon, as well as the blood of Plural Ogel. Was taken off of the wall of Kahi’s office.
Autopsy Report: Contains Plural’s autopsy. He was beheaded. Prior to that he got in a struggle, getting a few bruises on his torso and lower legs.
Plural Mask: Contains no blood. Has little bite marks on it.
Waj: Let me rephrase that. We DID an autopsy report.
Kahi: Something is suspicious about this: If Plural was beheaded, why is there no blood on his mask?
Waj: Right but his head rolled away as his body dropped. He got no blood on the mask. The head did get blood, though. This can be seen in the picture.
Waj: You must not remember, but the police kicked you out while we investigated!
Waj: The facts are the facts.
Eljay: That is OFF TOPIC. Strike two!
Eljay: Look, Kahi. Your opinion? It doesn’t matter here. You’re not a witness, so SHUSH!
Waj: Here’s the thing: it’s a mystery. We’re still wondering that, too. Until we have more info, we can’t do squat.
Eljay: It seems our little “defense attorney” doesn’t have anything to say, Judge Venom. He can’t even find a contradiction. I knew he couldn’t take a blade to the neck. Hah! Shall we get a verdict?
Kahi: Something seems VERY wrong with this autopsy report, Waj. The fact that you lack to tell us WHO has the fingerprints on the body makes all this, ya know,
Kahi: Really? I’m pretty sure the evidence says OTHERWISE!
Kahi: Our little autopsy here says that the victim’s head showed signs of being RIPPED OFF.
Eljay: BAH!
Kahi: The head getting ripped off doesn’t really make sense does it? Nope, it does NOT!
Eljay: Here’s a theory. I had been forgetting about this all along: our murderer, Prpl, happened to have hacked the neck of Plural!
Kahi owns it.
[quote=“DiamondKing, post:557, topic:18699, full:true”]
There is no evidence of that
Eljay:On the contrary. One of our witnesses saw it with her own two eyes. A Ms. Dee Viper. She saw Prpl murder Plural outside of her window!
Venom: Ah yes. The witness. I forgot all about her.
Eljay: Your honor, I request that my NEXT witness should tell us all. Does the Defense object?
Eljay: No objections. Bring her up, Eljay. I’d like to see you TRY.
Eljay: Hah. We will see. The Prosecution brings up Dee Viper to the stand.
Dee Viper: Hello everyone. Looks like we got a crowd of new faces in the audience. But the same two grumps that almost got me convicted of murder.
Eljay: Your grudge is yours and yours only to hold. Please, Viper. Let’s keep things civil.
Viper: Only if Kahi doesn’t ask too many questions.
Kahi: But that’s my-
Eljay: I will make sure nothing Kahi asks is off-topic, otherwise he will have a DOUBLE penalty.
Kahi: UGH!
Viper:It was on the night of February 3rd when I saw it: a shadowy figure came out of the darkness with a sword. It was almost a silhouette. They raised the blade to attack the poor Akaku-wearing boy and sliced his head off clean. As soon as they saw that I was in the window, they dropped the blade and tried to cover up the crime! I soon called the police.
##Court Record
Attorney’s badge: Tells people that I’m an attorney. Watch: A normal watch that happens to lack any fingerprints. Was found outside of TTV Law Offices. Eggo Waffle Truck: Say’s “Plural’s Leggo Waffles.” Originally said “Plural’s Eggo Waffles.” Waffles: Stolen yesterday by Plural. It seems to have the “M” washed off. However, it still retains the prints of Plural and Looch. Has been opened, and is missing a waffle. Spray paint: Has the prints of Plural on it. Sprays black paint. Sword: The supposed Murder Weapon. Contains the fingerprints of Prpl Dragon, as well as the blood of Plural Ogel. Was taken off of the wall of Kahi’s office.
Autopsy Report: Contains Plural’s autopsy. He was beheaded by his head getting ripped off. Prior to that he got in a struggle, getting a few bruises on his torso and lower legs.
Picture of the Scene.
Plural Mask: Contains no blood. Has little bite marks on it.
! ! ! !
Kahi: You do know that his head was hacked off, right?
Viper: Wait… You’re right! I remember more clearly now… NO! Wait… Wait a minute. I just remembered… The attacker… Hi-her silhouette… I saw her hacking the victim’s neck once she tried to slice at it! It was horrible! Hack hack hack! Now I remember it clearly! It was so slow… the pulling of the blade.
Viper: Do you think I’m some type of idiot? Stop trying to confuse me I know what I saw! I saw the silhouette of prpl! Very well, too!
Kahi:Here’s the problem, Viper. You could not have SEEN the attacker from that angle!
Viper: AUGH! But he moved to hack the neck of Plural! I saw it! The attacker swiped the neck of the poor fellow and he fell onto his right side. His head tumbled off… Ugh, I don’t even like talking about it!
Viper: …
Kahi: Well?
Viper: Whoops…
Viper: AGH! But I did see a man and a woman! I know that for sure! But… The positions… They were different…
Venom: Ms. Viper, I don’t appreciate you lying. You will receive an arrest after this for such things. Now please, tell us the truth.
Viper: In reality, I know I saw Purple have her hands on the sword. The evidence proves it. I saw her raise the sword against the man. I could not identify him. But she was about to attack him! I know it wasn’t Plural because I saw his head past the desk.
Kahi: So this was self-defense, then.
Eljay: Why would she need self-defense?
Kahi: The attacker must’ve broken into the house.
Eljay: How did the attacker rip of the head then?
Eljay: Ah! But the only person who wielded the sword was Prpldragon, not an attacker! So how could that work?
Eljay: Not according to our records. The only person who held it was Prpl.
Venom: Ugh. Can we give it a rest already? It’s obvious that the evidence is not complete for Plural, but if Eljay says it is for the sword then it is. That’s my final word, no more questioning of it! Unless you WANT a penalty?
Eljay: Okay. If you’re so smart, then who WAS the assailant? And you’d better gosh-darn prove it.
Eljay: You-you’re not allowed to! You must answer my question!
Venom: I agree. Kahi, if you’re gonna make claims, you’d better provide evidence first, like Eljay did.
Eljay: Alright, now prove he did it.
Eljay: What about it.
Kahi: It’s not too much. It’s because you’re forgetting one small thing. This waffle box.
Eljay: What’s so great about it?
Kahi: Look at it. It has an opening that wasn’t there from last time. This could NOT have been opened during the last trial, but during the time before!
Eljay: WHAT?
Kahi: Yes… This waffle box… It had to have been opened. I’m pretty sure Plural wouldn’t just open this special collector’s edition box, either. Oh no… It had to have been LOOCH.
Eljay: …
Kahi: Plural would never open something that special. It’s not like him. Only Looch, someone who found this STUPID, would do such a thing!
Eljay: You… YOU!
Kahi: Looch had to have opened this. It’s even got his fingerprints on it! Once Plural entered my place and I left the scene, Looch came to assault him and he opened the box. Oh, and look at this? It’s MISSING a waffle.
Venom: What even is this? A waffle pack opening the case to a new suspect!
Kahi: Yes! The only one who could have done it opened this waffle pack! And that man, would be LOOCH!
The audience begins to chatter as Eljay tries to find a rebuttal.
Kahi: You can’t come up with anything, Eljay, because it’s true. And you KNOW it is.
Eljay: You manipulator… You knew this was gonna happen from the beginning.
Kahi: Eheh… No, actually, I didn’t. I kinda just noticed this now.
Venom: Hm… Honestly, I find this all to be highly suspect. What say you Eljay.
Eljay: Very highly-suspect.
Viper: So that’s it then? My testimony is worthless?
Kahi: No, Viper. It has just let us open up the NEW possibility of a culprit! That’s a good thing!
Venom: Well, honestly I feel we need to re-settle things and take a short, 10 minute recess which can help us get enough thinking and rest to finish this case.
February 5th Courtroom Lobby #3 1:45 PM.
Prpl: Well you seem to be going good, but things seem to get crazy again. Once Eljay looses what’s going on he loses order of the court. Good job, I guess.
Kahi: Please, you’re not helping.
Cronk: You don’t look so good. Why are your worrying?
Kahi: Something feels like it’s gonna go downhill from here. I mean, I got the advantage, but I dunno. I feel like something bad is gonna happen.
Cronk: Well you’re in luck right now. I got you some evidence! Wanna see it?
Cronk: First, we have this deed which belongs to Plural. It clarifies his ownership of the shop.
The SECOND one we have is the Time-Travelling Muaka we found at the scene of the crime. Want me to add them to the Court Record?
Time Travelling Muaka: The same one from the September case, except it was present at this crime. Contains Kahi’s prints.
Prpl: Don’t look at me. I don’t have much to contribute.
Bailiff: Alright. Court is now in session. Get back in there.
Cronk: Good luck, Kahi!
~~ February 5th Courtroom #3 1:55 PM
Venom: Alright, alright. Court is back in session for the trial of Prpl Dragon. Is the Prosecution ready?
Eljay:AHEM Yes I am. I’m much more ready than earlier.
Venom: Alright, is the defense ready?
Eljay: Then let us waste NO TIME. Looch, come up here.
Looch: Hello, everyone. I hate you all.
(Audience member boos)
Looch: Heh. You think that intimidates me? Well, you’re nothing but a low-tier noob who keeps dying at Dark Souls. And trust me, I know how that feels. But at least I beat games, unlike you.
Looch: I’m glamourous. And no attorney can say I’m guilty. You know why? Because the gods don’t allow it. I’m just too perfect. That’s why I hate everyone. Nobody can be as good as me.
Eljay: Okay. Um , state your name and occupation?
Looch: Please. You people should already know what that is. Let’s just get onto it.
Eljay: Alright. Testimony away.
Looch: I am not a very poor guy. In fact, I’m just fine. I love playing Dark Souls, though. Am I guilty? Pff.
Those who think I’m guilty don’t even understand what I did or who I am.
Weeabo? Maybe. But I didn’t kill the man. I just wanted my waffles he stole. He stole them!
As for myself, I came up to this odd stand named “Plural’s Leggo Waffles.” Well I didn’t want that.
So I moved on. I never killed that Plural fool. Your box of waffles means nothing!
Maybe I confronted the guy and tried to take the waffles. Actually I did do that. Hah.
Ergo, I opened the waffles and then he managed to escape. What a dweeb.
Look at that court record of yours. Do you see anything that says I had a murder weapon? No.
Only the sword is the murder weapon. Actually, I think YOU had the murder weapon. Think.
Only Kahi could have been there. He could have killed Plural. He has a motivation, too! Hah!
Cheating in court, trying to make Plural shut up. He could have killed Plural in his own office.
How’s that one for size? Unless you can GET me to admit the crime.
##Court Record
Attorney’s badge: Tells people that I’m an attorney. Watch: A normal watch that happens to lack any fingerprints. Was found outside of TTV Law Offices. Eggo Waffle Truck: Say’s “Plural’s Leggo Waffles.” Originally said “Plural’s Eggo Waffles.” Waffles: Stolen yesterday by Plural. It seems to have the “M” washed off. However, it still retains the prints of Plural and Looch. Has been opened, and is missing a waffle. Spray paint: Has the prints of Plural on it. Sprays black paint. Sword: The supposed Murder Weapon. Contains the fingerprints of Prpl Dragon, as well as the blood of Plural Ogel. Was taken off of the wall of Kahi’s office.
Autopsy Report: Contains Plural’s autopsy. He was beheaded by his head getting ripped off. Prior to that he got in a struggle, getting a few bruises on his torso and lower legs.
Picture of the Scene.
Plural Mask: Contains no blood. Has little bite marks on it. VIPER’S CLOCK IN: 8:20 PM to 8:40 PM.
Time Travelling Muaka: The same one from the September case, except it was present at this crime. Contains Kahi’s prints. Plural’s Deed
Deed ID: 7216
“Plural’s Eggo Waffles.”
Food Truck
Recently leased to Looch.
! ! ! !
Looch: Well yeah. I wanted my stuff back. That buffoon stole my waffles!
Looch: Because I had a cart to run, duh.
Looch: Is that question REALLY important? I made an accusation against you and I expect you to consider it. I said YOU were the murderer, Mr. Killer Nuva.
Looch: Except that’s not what I’m talking about, Mr. Blue Suit. I know what you have in your evidence. A time-travelling Muaka. I know what you wanna say. THAT is the true murder weapon, is it not? It had a jaw. It could have easily ripped off Mr. Plural’s head. There were BITE MARKS were there NOT?
Looch: Again, the Muaka. It’s the murder weapon. It was found at the scene of the crime with YOUR finger prints! Also, you have NO proof to say you were not in the room. Ms. Viper saw a man in the room. That was definitely you.
Looch: Need I also mention that you making a claim of saying “I would never do that” isn’t actual evidence? Looks like I’m winning this case, smarty.
Eljay: You must be stumped. We’ve already established that the mask never got to touch any blood anyways. So that wouldn’t make sense.
Kahi: Hmm… Maybe I need to think outside the box.
Looch: (I’m not a Crusty Crab) Yeah, but didn’t she LIE anyways? Plus she could barely see the scene.
Looch: ALSO! You could have easily forged the scene anyways by dipping the sword in blood.
Looch: I didn’t disregard the female thing. Here’s what I think happened. Prpl, not knowing Kahi too well, attacked him once she saw Kahi MURDER him.
Looch: The murder weapon wasn’t the sword. Maybe Kahi forced her hand. Nobody ran tests for it.
Looch: Proof that I wasn’t interested?
Kahi: Looch, you’re clearly making this up! You know why? Because Prpl would have reported me to bail HER out if I was the one who murdered Plural! Plus, we don’t have any reported injuries. What about YOU?
Looch: WHAT? You can’t just accuse me? I am Looch. I will not go down until I admit murder, but I’m not going to!
Looch: I didn’t alter squat. The Muaka is still the murder weapon. The sword was used as a cover-up.
Looch: Well, if you wanna know, I met with him at the waffle TRUCK at 8:10.
Looch: yeah, we talked like “buddies.” Nothing more.
Looch: No, that’s when I tried to grab them and Plural ran with them. I managed to snag my waffle from it in an argument.
Venom: I will NOT allow it. All the evidence should be here.
Guys. We need to think outside of the box. The testimony. What is so cross about the testimony?
Kahi: Thank you, Looch. That is all.
Looch: What. What do you mean “that is all.” We haven’t PROVEN anything.
Kahi: Yes I have!b You just admitted your crime!
Looch: What- Whu WHAT eVeR dO yOu MeAn? I dIdN’t SaY aNyThInG!
Eljay: Please, Kahi. Explain in detail. I’m just as confused. And why the heck does Looch look like that?
Venom: The host of the game can do whatever he wants! Continue, Kahi.
Kahi:Look at this testimony. When you take the first letter of each line it says “It was me, Looch.”
Kahi: Wasn’t it YOU, Looch, who said that the only way I could convict you is if YOU said it?
Looch: You’re clearly dillusional.
Kahi: Explain it then, why is it not a paragraph but instead a poem of sorts?
Looch: Ergh… It… It was ordained by the gods! I knew I should have just kept losing at Dark Souls instead of coming here and thinking I’d win!
Looch: I mean… You’re still just seeing things? See? Heheheh. You’re seeing static right now!
Looch: Don’t question it! Just enjoy the static while I make a run for it! Metal Gear Solid style! (AKA in a box)
Eljay: Yeah. Looch is definitely highly suspect.
Looch:Oh, so now even the Prosecution doesn’t trust me? What kind of a trial is this? I’ve been FRAMED!
Kahi: This watch was found outside of the TTV Law Offices. I didn’t belong to any of the suspects so far. Does it belong to you.
Looch: I mean, there isn’t anything else I can do, so yeah. What about it?
Looch: Oh I see we’re your going with this. So I guess I’m a suspect now? Nice. Just nice. What did I do, admit my guilt or something?
Looch: Nobody told me about this!
Eljay: Just shut up and take the verdict already. You already freaking confessed as shown by Kahi. Now please, just get out of here.
Prpl: Well that was pretty entertaining. Don’t you think?
Kahi: I still need to wash out my eyeballs.
Prpl: Ah, c’mon. That was a masterpiece of art.
Kahi: I really wouldn’t agree.
Cronk: Oh hey you did it! Prpl wasn’t convicted! Nice to see that, Kahi!
Kahi: Yeah, well, I really didn’t need that evidence you gave me.
Cronk: Speaking of the evidence, I’m gonna need it back.
Kahi: Oh sure. Here’s all my evidence (besides the Attorney’s Badge.)
##Court Record Watch: A normal watch that happens to lack any fingerprints. Was found outside of TTV Law Offices. Eggo Waffle Truck: Say’s “Plural’s Leggo Waffles.” Originally said “Plural’s Eggo Waffles.” Waffles: Stolen yesterday by Plural. It seems to have the “M” washed off. However, it still retains the prints of Plural and Looch. Has been opened, and is missing a waffle. Spray paint: Has the prints of Plural on it. Sprays black paint. Sword: The supposed Murder Weapon. Contains the fingerprints of Prpl Dragon, as well as the blood of Plural Ogel. Was taken off of the wall of Kahi’s office.
Autopsy Report: Contains Plural’s autopsy. He was beheaded by his head getting ripped off. Prior to that he got in a struggle, getting a few bruises on his torso and lower legs.
Picture of the Scene.
Plural Mask: Contains no blood. Has little bite marks on it. VIPER’S CLOCK IN: 8:20 PM to 8:40 PM. Plural’s Deed
Deed ID: 7216
“Plural’s Eggo Waffles.”
Food Truck
Recently leased to Looch.
Cronk: Uh… Where’s the Muaka?
Kahi: What? It should be here…
Cronk: It’s NOT. Oh gosh, Var is gonna kill me.
Prpl: Someone stole your Muaka? What a shame. Hopefully they track it down.
Kahi: Well whoever it was, I wanna make sure I find them and get it back.
Eljay: A mighty fine show out there, Kahi. A fine show.
Kahi: You’re just jealous that I figured out the puzzle.
Eljay: Regardless, you didn’t use hard evidence to bring him down, which makes me a bit ashamed of you. If you we’re a real attorney you would have used pure facts. Sure you solved the puzzle of his confession, but I don’t see you as a true attorney. Unless you have evidence to tell me otherwise?
Court Record
Attorney’s badge: Tells people that I’m an attorney.
Eljay: Your Attorney’s Badge. Hmph. At least it’s hard evidence. Now you’re learning to do things like a real attorney. Analyzing puzzling evidence and finally staying on topic. This is how you act like an attorney. Hope to see you on the next podcast.
(Eljay leaves the lobby.)
Prpl: Well good riddance to him.
Kahi: I have a feeling I’m gonna see him again… And he’s gonna keep up with his penalty system. Ho boy, am I in for a treat next time.
Security Guard: Hm… Nope. This won’t do. You were not on the list to enter here. Now skedaddle.
Kahi: What? But we have press-
Security Guard: You can’t enter. Period. Var: So I drove all the way to New York, got press passes and bought tickets for nothing?
Kahi: Um… Basically? Prpl: I’ll tell you it was a great experience, at least for me. I’ve never been physically booted out of a place like that. Security guys. Sheesh.
Kahi: We could always sue ‘em. I know a good lawyer around these parts.
Var: Oh please, Kahi. You’re too lazy to sue anyone. You usually like evidence coming to YOU.
???: Right now we have a private detective working on getting the proper evidence for a trial.
???: They usually do, but we got a private one to help us with this. I’m sorry, I still don’t know who you are, and you probably don’t know who I am. What’s your name?
BlueCel: Oh! Like the podcast guy! My name is White_Rainbow, but most people call me BlueCel because they are lazy.
BlueCel: First off, it’s MS, not “Mrs.” The private eye is Mr. Risebell. You may have heard of him. Right now a private investigator is currently working with the team to track down Miru*DeMask. Wish them luck Risebell: Probably because I’m too busy to get caught up into your foolish attorney charades. Plus you’re in New York now. Not your TTV Headquarters. Risebell: Sorry, Mr. Lawyer at Leisure, but I cannot disclose that. Especially when I was hired to catch this set-thief. So
Risebell: The infamous Miru*DeMask! Have you not heard of him? Risebell: He’s the greatest thief to ever live! He’s my arch-nemesis, and I’ve been trying to track him down for ages. He likes to steal almost anything! Leaks, new sets, any info on any Lego theme. He’s a madman, and I love it. I want to know what he knows!
Kahi: Don’t you think you’re a little obsessive over Miru*DeMask? Wanting to “Know everything he knows?”
Risebell: Heheh. Perhaps. But I would just love to get my hands on some of that evidence, just so I could impress TTV and perhaps get on the podcast. Var: That’s never going to happen, Rise. You’d need to do a casting call for that and even then you would never be good enough to get inside. But regardless I will NEVER allow you to get into our podcast.
Kahi: You know this guy?
Var: Oh yeah. He’s tried to get into our group before. It’s never going to happen, though. Never on my watch. Now stay out of our way, Risebell. We don’t need your kind around us. Kahi, we need to go.
Kahi: I dunno, this Rise guy looks suspicious. He may know something we don’t.
Var: Of course he looks suspicious. He’s Risebell.
Kahi: I still want to question him.
Risebell: Oh, go right ahead, since they don’t want me on their investigation anymore. I will tell all. Risebell: Wouldn’t want the prosecution for a trial for whoever stole the set to have ALL the fun. That Miru*DeMask. He is a clever one. What I suspect is that he used plenty of wires to sneak down into the area during the short black-out and nabbed the first one he could get. I have more evidence I took at my office, if you need it.
Kahi: Meso, please. I’m sure you didn’t actually steal Quake Beast. Why would you do that? And how did you even get here? I thought you were back at the TTV Headquarters.
Meso: I wanted to see the 2016 sets so bad, Kahi. I’m sorry, but I did steal one.
Prpl: Are we even sure he actually did? He doesn’t have it ON him…
Kahi: Meso, I can’t keep getting guilty verdicts unless you’re really, really guilty. And I don’t believe that. I have a reputation to follow, and that’s believing in my client until the very end. I believe you are NOT guilty, Meso.
Kahi: You always say that and you are wrong, Meso. Var, just please. Let me keep Meso out of the jail cell so he can keep on doing podcasts with us. And I firmly believe he didn’t do it.
Prpl: Whatever Kahi. Does this mean we have to help you in court?
Kahi: Sure. Why not.
Var: As long as you don’t expect us to do all the work for you.
Kahi: …
Var: Well?
Kahi: I guess if you don’t want to do that you don’t have to tag along.
Prpl: Well I am leaving. See you later.
Kahi: I didn’t mean that- Nevermind. She’ll probably turn up later.
Var: Probably.
Meso: So you’re gonna take my case, Kahi?
Kahi: Sure, why not.
Var: Then we’d better go investigate the crime scene.
Kahi: Right. So if we’re your bosses why can’t we get through? Eljay: Because I don’t need anyone else tampering with evidence like that Risebell fool. Now get out of the premises, will you?
Var: And I’m your boss. I’d be more than ready to kick you off the podcast.
Eljay: NO PLEASE! Var: Hah. Just how I want you to be. Begging at my feet for mercy. Now get up and stand aside for Kahi to get through, will you?
Eljay: Yes sir…
NY Toyfair LEGO section February 16th 3:06 PM
Kahi:Well would you look at that. Quake beast is MISSING! BlueCel: IT’S ALL MY FAULT TOO! Oh if I only hadn’t neglected the poor guy, he wouldn’t have been stolen!
Kahi: Riiiiight. You were the lady in charge of this section of Toy Fair. What are your thoughts on the stolen set? BlueCel: Hmm… Honestly I don’t care much for Quake Beast, so I barely remember. However, if it was STORM BEAST we were talking about, I could give you a perfect explanation. Unfortunately I don’t remember all too much. I just remember it went dark and I heard some noises. That’s all I can say. BlueCel: There was a black out during that time for some odd reason. During that time the thief stole the set!
BlueCel: I heard a few sets tip over, I heard something like a zipper sound, and someone struggling to breathe. But that’s really it though.
Recieved Black-Out times from BlueCel. Check if needed
BlueCel: Yes, actually. Storm Beast, Umarak the Destroyer, and Umarak the Hunter were tipped over. Along with Gali for some strange reason.
BlueCel: Right where they are standing right now.
BlueCel: Again. It was dark. And I heard a zipping sound for some reason. I can’t tell you the whole clear testimony. You’d have to wait until the trial tomorrow. BlueCel: I doubt it. MiruDeMask is known for using a bag, not any type of back-back or purse. At least as far as I know. We DID find wiring above the displays, however, which the police presumed belonged to MiruDeMask. BlueCel: Well it’s obvious he probably would have never gotten past any guards, so he probably dropped in from the ceiling to take the set!
BlueCel: I fail to see how that is important. It isn’t there either. BlueCel: Don’t ask me! I’m not a thief! I don’t know how that works! Look, i’ve been losing sleep to this, okay?
Kahi: But you haven’t even left work yet…
BlueCel: Well, then, I am GOING to lose sleep! How’s that?
Kahi: Was there anyone ELSE at the scene of the crime who could have stolen the set? BlueCel: Not that I know of, however I DID run into that Risebell guy before the sets were stolen. He was right in this room, too. Maybe you should go ask him. Almost everyone knows Risebell.
Kahi: (I wish I hadn’t, trust me.)
Var: What else do you know about the crime? BlueCel: I do know that the security here got a threat from Mask*DeMask that he was going to steal one of the sets during the expo. BlueCel: Just last night. But the expo thought it was just some kid messing around. We should have known better than to not listen to the warning.
Kahi: Do you still have this calling card?
BlueCel: Yes. Here, you can have it.
Received calling card from BlueCel
BlueCel: Not that I know of.
Sounds like a good idea to go over to him.
~~ Risebell’s Office February 16th 3:23 PM
Var: Do you HAVE to walk everywhere, Kahi?
Kahi: I parked my car in the ONLY free parking spot around these parts. I’m not going to risk losing it. Risebell: WELL, if you wanted to know I have been investigating each and every thing he has stolen and have only once claimed back something he stole. Risebell: He’s uncatchable I tell you! He’s crafty, and he has the authority of the TTV Message Boards on his side! Risebell: It was the prized VNOG Mask of Life. He managed to steal it from the Ko-Koro NSA. I eventually got it back and returned it to Ko-koro for their safe keeping.
Var: So then what else has Meso stolen?
Risebell: Leaks, mostly. Lots and lots of leaks. Umarak leaks, 2015 leaks, 2016 leaks. Leaky leaks. You know the drift. Risebell: It’s purple, and has this bizarre sideways gear function. It’s rigid to the touch. It has that awful eye-stalk again, and it’s pretty terrible. Anyone could tell you that set just sucks. It also has at least more than 50 pieces.
Kahi: You stole some of the evidence from the crime scene, didn’t you? Risebell: What? I didn’t STEAL it. I got there fair and square before anyone else. I fail to see how that’s stealing evidence.
Kahi: How do we know you’re not tampering with evidence? Risebell: How do I know you’re not here to tamper with it? I could give a report saying you came by to forge evidence while I was gone and have ME submit it to the court record.
Var: Except that wouldn’t happen because I’m a prosecutor. Stop trying to be smart, Rise. You’re failing miserably.
Var: And I can ban you, what do you think of that? Risebell: Hmph. This site sucks anyways. It’s not like it used to be. It used to be grand, amazing. But then it became too big and everyone started sucking.
Kahi: Whatever Rise. Now then, let’s see some of that evidence.
Risebell: Hmm. I dunno, I don’t think I want to now. You’re being mean.
Var: And your ego is way too big for us to enjoy. Risebell: Whatever. I need to leave anyways. Goodbye. But don’t go snooping around my office!
Kahi: Alright, let’s see what I can investigate in this office.
Var: Look at this. Risebell apparently had guard duty only on the day of the theft and during the time of the black out. Looks like he clocked out the minute after the blackout.
Kahi: That’s rather suspicious!
Var: Indeed it is. Let’s add it into our evidence. Mesonak: It’s unclear, really. All I remember is that I totally got rekt’d by some guy as I was escaping the scene, then I got up and ran for the nearest exit. I dropped Quake Beast, too.
Kahi:Oh man, it’s early. Way too early for me. Var and Prpl went back to the hotel, and I am stuck here having to defend Mesonak all alone. Oh, woe is me.
Mesonak: I’m going to be OK, right?
Mesonak: Kahi, I would have thought you knew me well enough to know I like to keep things as surprise. Besides, you have defended me before. You can do it.
Mesonak: The miracle never happen, if you understand that reference.
Kahi: You did? How come it was in Risebell’s office then?
Mesonak: It was? Wow just wow. He stole my set from me.
Mesonak: NO, Kahi! You don’t understand the full circumstances of this! Even I don’t! Something strange happened with that Risebell guy that night. And I’m afraid he’s gonna rig the case. You got to help me with this!
Mesonak: So your still gonna make me not guilty. Alright, fine. I trust you on this, Kahi.
Bailiff: ALRIGHT, scrubs. Time to get inside that courtroom.
Venom:Order, order in the court! Alright, scrubs. Today we’re going to be focusing on the trial for Miru*DeMask on his theft for stealing the prized Quake Beast set. Is the Prosecution ready? Eljay: More than ready, Your Honor. Although, I would like to tell the defense something?
Venom: What is that? Eljay: Kahi, I hope you do know our little “penalty” system from last time is still in effect. I went easy on you last time, but now I’m not going to be so easy on you. I’m going to make sure this is a fair trial with the right outcome. Do you understand that? Mesonak: WAIT. I need to tell everyone this before the testimony begins. I AM GUILTY! I CAN SAY THAT WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY! Eljay: I suppose you could take into account the lack of evidence. Whatever. I’ll just convict him the normal way. Let’s proceed with that testimony, Meso. And don’t waste our time going any… alternate routes. Mesonak:So maybe I did steal Quake Beast. So what? I bet you don’t have a speck of evidence. So take that, scrubs!
So yeah, I didn’t steal Quake Beast. No siree, I did not! I didn’t drop much either when the black-out occurred. I was just there to see the sets, lol. Quake Beast was legit. So was Umarekt’d. So, I hope you scrubs have a nice day. Because as Kahi said, I’m not guilty. If you can believe that with absolute certainty.
#Court Record
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.
-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.
-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand Miru*DeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.
-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it. Mesonak: When it went dark I decided to escape the scene. I dropped a few things, namely a bag and my little button thing on my coat, whatever that is called. I can say that with absolute certainty. Mesonak: It was basically a sheet, something you use for you bedding which I fitted to properly fit as a bag. I usually keep the leaks and sets I steal in there. Especially Quake Beast. Kahi: It’s stunning what you can do with investigation, because this QUAKE BEAST was found in Detective Risebell’s house! Eljay: Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, otherwise a penalty is in order. It’s simple, Kahi. All we need to do is apply fine logic. Sure, it may have been at Risebell’s house, but that doesn’t prove Mesonak still didn’t do the act of STEALING it!
Eljay: Meso could have easily stolen the set and Risebell took it from him so he could return it back to us. In fact, I got an angry message from him this morning that YOU, Kahi, swiped his evidence. Eljay: Except it really isn’t. Think about it. Look at Mr. Mesonak. What is he wearing? White gloves. What did Risebell wear? White gloves. Of course there isn’t prints. But regardless this doesn’t mean we need to already say Meso is not guilty. Lack of evidence thereof will not help this time, Kahi. Eljay: I’m gonna stop you right there. We’re NOT going to go way too ahead of ourselves this time. I’m going to penalize you if you try to do that again. Regardless, you are right. Suspicion is not for us to convict upon. However, I’m not convicting Mesonak right now. I’m showing the hole in your argument. Please, continue to cross-examine. Mesonak: Because you have GOT to know that I actually did it! I set up the pully to steal the sets, and went down during the blackout to steal the set! I did that! Risebell didn’t do it!
Eljay: This broach confirms Mesonak being there at the scene of the time and contains his fingerprints. IN ADDITION, he has confirmed that this was indeed his.
Kahi: This makes no sense. How can Quake Beast NOT have fingerprints but the Red Pin and Broach do? Meso: Eljay is wrong! The red pin belonged to me! It’s my symbol of me being at the scene to steal something! Kinda like how some criminals leave a quarter at the scene of a crime! I prepared it the day prior with my bare hands, along with the broach! Meso: No, only Eljay confirmed it! His evidence is wack! It was my symbol to show I had been there! It was used to spite Eljay! Mesonak: I don’t care! Eljay’s team has been proven to fail before! It’s my calling symbol! Mesonak: I’m going to be stern with you. No, I was not threatened. I’m doing this because I know better NOT to convict myself was not guilty. Venom: I’m getting bored of this conversation. Can we, like, move onto the next witness? All this has established is that we don’t know the actual person who did it.
BlueCel: Do we really need to do this? Fine. White Rainbow, blah blah blah person in charge of the ToyFair BIONICLE section thing. There, happy?
Eljay: Please, give us your testimony. What did you see during the incident?
BlueCel:I saw a Miru coming down in the darkness. It was terrible! His white hand grabbed Quake Beast as fast as he could, and dropped something as he tried to get back up. It may have been the red pin. The zipping sound occurred so it must have been the pulley, and then I heard someone running. It was a minute later when I heard a loud CRACK sound. I presumed it was the pulley which broke, and the thief landed next to me. I heard grunting, and he stumbled up to get to an exit. A few minutes later the lights went back on. Quake Beast was gone!
#Court Record
Mesonak: So maybe I did steal Quake Beast. So what? I bet you don’t have a speck of evidence. So take that, scrubs!
So yeah, I didn’t steal Quake Beast. No siree, I did not! I didn’t drop much either when the black-out occurred. I was just there to see the sets, lol. Quake Beast was legit. So was Umarekt’d. So, I hope you scrubs have a nice day. Because as Kahi said, I’m not guilty. If you can believe that with absolute certainty.
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.
-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.
-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand MiruDeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.
-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.
-Red Pin: Dropped by the thief when stealing Quake Beast. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
-Emblem: Was dropped by the supposed MiruDeMask during his escape. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
! ! ! ! ! BlueCel: Augh! Look, correct me on my assumptions all you want, I don’t know if that’s what really happened! I’m just going by what I heard and saw during the black out! BlueCel: I managed to get glimpses of them when someone’s cell-phone began to ring in the hysteria. That shined some light. BlueCel: Honestly I am confused as well. I presume the running probably came from someone else at the scene. I wouldn’t know who. Eljay: No there was not. Whoever had it probably left the scene with it. It’s off of our tracks now. BlueCel: It definitely wasn’t natural, that’s for sure. Someone had to have interfered with the power. If it was natural the emergency one would have kicked in.
BlueCel: Perhaps. What does that have to do with the case? Eljay: Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, shall we not? I would be glad to penalize you again. BlueCel: It actually does look familiar. I think someone set it under the table or something where the sets were. BlueCel: I never saw someone put it under the table. I was elsewhere. When I came back before the power outage it was there. It looked awfully suspicious. BlueCel: I DO know that Risebell was there for security duty, since we got the warning for Miru*DeMask showing up there. There was someone else there at the scene, but we haven’t seen him since. BlueCel: A former moderator by the name of Nyran. You ought to have heard of him. I think he’s still there on duty. Eljay: That’s off topic, really. It doesn’t help us determine the case. A penalty for you. BlueCel: Because I heard someone above me and they suddenly fell. The person above me I saw was wearing the Miru. That’s how I know! BlueCel: Now THAT I cannot say with absolute certainty. There could have been that bag, the pullies, someone’s trousers. Anything, really. BlueCel: It’s hard to describe, which is why I said it was a crack sound. It wasn’t high pitched by any means, but it was loud. Eljay: What else am I to say? Everything points to your Mesonak friend being the thief. What do you want to do about it? Cry?
Eljay: Alright, I think we’ve heard quite enough from this witness. All we’ve established is possibly 2 people were there at the scene of the crime! Shall we move onto our last, most crucial witness?
Risebell: Yeah yeah sure. Name’s Risebell. I’m a detective who’s been tracking down Miru*DeMask’s movements for a while now.
Eljay: Give us your testimony.
Risebell: Sure, why not. Risebell:I was assigned guard duty at 1:00 PM and stayed there until 2:28. During that time I was waiting for MiruDeMask to make his move! I knew he would be there. He gave us his calling card. Suddenly, around 2:20, the lights went blank! I knew MiruDeMask had to be there, so I ran toward the sets. Unfortunately, I was too late. Miru*DeMask ran from the scene once he fell and I managed to snag his mask. Then the lights turned back on.
#Court Record
Risebell: I was assigned guard duty at 1:00 PM and stayed there until 2:28. During that time I was waiting for MiruDeMask to make his move! I knew he would be there. He gave us his calling card. Suddenly, around 2:20, the lights went blank! I knew MiruDeMask had to be there, so I ran toward the sets. Unfortunately, I was too late. MiruDeMask ran from the scene once he fell and I managed to snag his mask. Then the lights turned back on.
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.
-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.
-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand MiruDeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.
-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.
-Red Pin: Dropped by the thief when stealing Quake Beast. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
-Emblem: Was dropped by the supposed Miru*DeMask during his escape. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
-Risebell’s assigned guard duty hours: 1:00-3:00 PM. Clock in and out: 1:00-2:28
-Miru: A copy of Eljay’s Miru which was found on Mesonak after the scene of the crime. No fingerprints.
! ! ! Risebell: You must be either deaf or stupid. I was chasing Miru*DeMask. He stole the set, after all! Kahi: Ok, this is the BIGGEST lie I have heard all day! How could you have chased after Miru*DeMask if it was dark?
Risebell: That was a mistake on my part… I seem to have mix-matched the evidence with my testimony. Regardless, I did catch up to the thief, but I DID manage to snag his broach! Risebell: YES! I would have! But you MUST remember that Mrs. White Rainbow said she also got a calling card before! So don’t blame me for planting evidence! Risebell: After he fell, he got up quickly and ran. I chased after him, of course. Eventually I lost him outside but again, snagged his broach. Risebell: Uh, because I’m better than everyone else, duh! Nobody but me can rely on sound to get places. I’m practically DAREDEVIL. Kahi: It’s funny, because you said you CHASED Mesonak in pitch-dark, and how you even managed to pull that off is bizarre to me. However, here’s one thing you forgot: Risebell: LOOK AT ME! The tragic clown! Woe is me! OK, enough of these questions! I will tell you all! It was me! I stole the set! I didn’t witness SOMEONE stealing the set. I stole it! Risebell: What else is there for me to do? Keep going on with this game? Oh Kahi, you tell him. Tell him how I am the thief! Kahi:So here is how it works: The “zipping” BlueCel had heard was actually RISEBELL’s bag, which was confirmed to be at the scene of the crime. We found it at his house. It contained a pistol, but I think he could have ALSO put Quake Beast in there. We did indeed find Quake Beast at his house. Kahi: Meso could have EASILY been there, but that doesn’t change the fact that RISEBELL could have stolen it! After all, there isn’t any proof that Mesonak even managed to make it out with the set. However, Risebell could have EASILY done it with his bag! Eljay: But he could have stolen it from Meso! Do we even know the passage of time for that? Kahi: Look at the Black Out record and Risebell’s clock-in time! The black out ended around 2:27 PM, and Risebell clocked out during 2:28 PM. It’s strange, isn’t it? That Risebell would clock out RIGHT AFTER THE THEFT? Eljay: NO! No… That argument… It’s too hard to go against! But… I need to convict Mesonak guilty! Risebell: Is it NOT obvious that I’m the thief! I stole Quake Beast! I even know what it feels like! Please, your honor! Do what is good for the world! Kahi: I agree. Risebell HAD to be the one who stole the set. Therefore I think Mesonak is not guilty. Venom: To tell you the truth, Kahi’s argument is solid, Eljay. I agree with him. Therefore, I find Mesonak to be…
Mesonak: Kahi… I tried to warn you on what would happen. You should have convicted me as guilty with less harsh charges.
Kahi: And why is that?
Eljay: Because I HAD a warrant for the arrest of Risebell for the MURDER of Nyran. However, since you gave Risebell a PROPER alibi, Mesonak is now the one charged with MURDER!
Kahi: WHAT?
Mesonak: That was the “surprise” I tried to warn you about, scrub!
Mesonak: Because I thought you would figure it out.
Eljay: Anyways, I need to take Mesonak in now. You’re coming with me, Meso.
Meso and Eljay leave the scene
Kahi: Oh no… What have I done… Mesonak’s going to face harsher charges for murder! Why didn’t I suspect this?
Kahi: Gosh how am I ever going to get Meso out of this? This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have been so foolish. Var: Honestly, Meso got himself wrapped into this more than you did. He stole some sets, now he has to pay the price for it.
Kahi: Did you forget about that time I stopped you from getting convicted for the murder of Solek? Or when you were accused of spreading fake leaks? Please, Mesonak. This was a one-time error. It WILL NOT happen again.
Var: Plus, Meso, we pretty much have nothing to do until the end of this week, so we might as well help you out.
Var: Whatever, I’m done with this place. We won’t get any more out of him anyways. We should visit Risebell in detention. We need to learn everything he knows.
Kahi: Makes sense. Meso: You like them? I made it especially for the persona of “Miru*DeMask.” I based it off of Eljay.
Kahi: Sounds great.
Kahi: (Looks like I have all the information I need in this place. I should visit someone else.)
Kahi: Shut up Risebell. We’re here to investigate. We know you actually killed Nyran. Risebell: Untrue. Last time I checked, I was arrested for stealing Quake Beast, not killing a man. The one you are looking for is in that other cell.
Var: No, I’m pretty sure we found who we are looking for.
Prpl: Oh boy. You mind if I help interrogate this guy?
Risebell: You tell me. YOU were the one who convicted me for the thievery. Eljay had a warrant for my arrest for killing Nyran but obviously that’s not the case now huh? I got a nice, free ticket out of that. All thanks to you!
Kahi: Regardless, we know you did it, Risebell. Eljay had a warrant for your arrest when he came to the courtroom.
Risebell: Ah yes. Thank you for helping me deal with that. I was afraid I’d be charged easily with that murder. Woh hoh. Nope. Not on my watch.
Kahi: So that’s why you decided to take the guilt.
Risebell: Oh, was I that obvious? What a shame. At least I don’t have to deal with a suspension like that Mesonak idiot does. Boy, did you get him into a mess! Risebell: Why? So you can pin them on me? No way. I’m not gonna get caught again that easily. You may be able to catch jerks like Looch and Nekchir, but I’m too good for you. Sorry, Meso’s gonna have to take that suspension.
Um… You do know that isn’t how this game works right? Defense attornies can’t lessen jail time. That’s not in their jurisdiction at ALL. Risebell: It’s not like you’ll be able to PROVE that I did it anyways. Now all the evidence points to Meso. Isn’t that lovely?
Kahi: No, it’s not lovely at ALL.
Risebell: That was rhetorical.
Var: Your face will be rhetorical once we’re through with you. And you’ll lose those dumb aviators too. Waj: Sorry mate, can’t let you in this time around. You’re gonna have to be on Eljay’s investigative team, which you are not.
Var: I’m a prosecutor. I can come in and oversee the investigation. Eljay: Not this time, Varderan. I got the Chief of the Police here investigating. He doesn’t want any prosecutors but me dealing with this crime scene. I’ll see that you go on your way out of here.
Var: But I’m your boss.
Eljay: You seem to forget that the chief of police has more power than any of us, Varderan.
Eljay: He doesn’t have any time to make appointments. He’s busy.
Kahi: Ugh. Eljay: Tell you what, once we are done we’ll let you investigate any remaining scraps. Meanwhile you can hang out in the backlot. Sound good?
Kahi: Looks like someone had a tasty meal. I wish I had food. But Prpl keeps eating it all.
Prpl: Why am I being stereotyped for eating food? Am I just the careless person or something. Var: I mean, if you don’t consider staying up until 3 AM to mess around careless I don’t know what’s responsible in your eyes.
Waj: Yeah but I’m not so sure about that Prpl Dragon lady over there…
~Inspects Loose Paper~
Kahi: What’s this?
Waj: Probably just some loose paper. Doesn’t look like it has too much information on it.
“You promised me secure access into getting into TTV’s inner groupings but you haven’t done it. You’re going to severely regret it.”
Kahi: And it’s from Risebell… By @yran, he must have had this on him.
Waj: So it’s a MURDER note?
Kahi: Either that or blackmail…
Waj: That note is clearly typed. We know it was from him because of the fingerprints found on it.
Kahi: Just a bag full of stuff.
Kahi: Hmm… These gloves sure are interesting. Perhaps they belonged to someone else… Someone like Risebell. I’ll pick both of these gloves up.
Waj: Look at that back part of the glove. It seems it’s been cleaned off.
Kahi: You’re right. This has a little bit of coagulated blood. These must have been the gloves the murderer used to killed Nyran!
Kahi takes a closer look at the gloves. Inside of them is a ton of blood.
Kahi: (In @yran’s name… There is more blood on the inside of these gloves!)
Kahi stuffs the glove inside his pocket.
Waj: Well that wraps up your investigation of the scene, at least all we’ll permit you to look into.
Kahi: Of course, of course.
February 18th Hotel Room 7:00 PM
Kahi: Well I got my facts well situated. These pieces of evidence should do nicely for the trial. Especially this glove. I dunno, but I feel as if this is all wrapping up just nicely. Var: Seeing the crime scene, there was a good amount of things that prove Risebell to be the killer. No wonder they were about to arrest him. Makes me think this will be an easier case after all.
Kahi: Knowing Eljay he has something up his sleeve.
Var: Yes but you’ve defeated him before. He may be powerful but he’s also inexperienced. You already showed that when you took down Looch with that crazy acrostic-poem testimony.
Kahi: But there is going to be SOMETHING he pulls to show me a lesson of what I’ve done. Prpl: Don’t worry about it, Kahi. Meanwhile I’m going to eat some of this free hotel food.
Mesonak:Oh Kahi. I hope you’re ready for what is to come.
Kahi: Don’t worry, Meso. I’m sure Eljay will help me out on this… I think.
Mesonak: You’d better be right.
Var: Well, Kahi, I say good luck to you. If things go right, Meso won’t have to be convicted at all.
Kahi: I sure hope not.
Prpl: Well good luck, scrubs.
Mesonak: Kahi, there is one thing I need to tell you.
Kahi: What is that?
Mesonak: Be VERY careful in that courtroom. Risebell has something up his sleeve, I know he does.
Kahi: I’ll be able to take care of that.
Mesonak: Right but he may have some incriminating evidence against me. Plus, I don’t think you have everything you needed to win this trial.
Kahi: Well, I can’t go back and investigate now.
Mesonak: I know, I know. Kahi, just do the best you can.
Kahi: That’s what I intend to do.
Bailiff: Alright, time to let you guys in. Ready?
Kahi: Ready as always, legomaster.
February 18th New York Court House 10:30 AM Venom: Order! Order in the court! Court is now in session for the trial of Mesonak vs. The State of New York on the murder of former moderator Nyran. Is the Prosecution ready? Eljay: You know me well enough to know I’m going to keep it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Kahi: Makes sense. Eljay: Wait, before we start, I want you to know this, Kahi. I don’t want you leading the court at ANY time whatsoever. If you can’t back up your claims, the double penalty will be in order. Kahi: (Oh no no no… He’s going to strangle me so I can’t save Mesonak. But why this all of a sudden? Why does Eljay want me to fail?) Eljay: Alright, then. Let us bring up our first witness, Waj. He’s going to give us the rundown on all the facts and evidence. Waj: It was around 2:20-2:30 PM on February 16th when Nyran was murdered by a single gunshot to the chest by Mesonak’s umbrella gun he uses as the infamous Miru*DeMask! After he murdered Nyran in cold blood, he stuffed his body into the closet. This all took place during the blackout when Risebell was stealing the Quake Beast set.
Nyran’s Autopsy: Shot twice in the chest. Died from getting shot in the heart. Got into a struggle. Estimated death was around 2:22 PM. Died on Febuary 16th.
Waj: Most certainly. As you can see, it looks like a normal umbrella, HOWEVER, this compartment can open up to reveal that it can shoot small bullets, like the one that killed Nyran.
Umbrella: Contains the fingerprints of Mesonak on the outside. However, a secret slot reveals a bullet inside the lethal umbrella. Fires only once at a time.
Bullet: Used to kill Nyran. Two of these were found at the scene, one still lodged into the chest of the victim. Interestingly, no fingerprints.
Eljay: As you can see, the two holes in the chest are roughly the same size. Waj: Indeed. The bullets came from a .35 millimeter gun. The same size used for the umbrella. The ballistics on the bullet show it came from the same umbrella you see here.
Waj: It’s simple. He was in the security room during the black out.
Waj: Indeed. But the power also cut the security cameras at the scene of the murder.
Waj: He didn’t. The lights were still on in the storage room. Eljay: What about 'em? Do you want to get into off-topic discussion in this cross-examination? You will be penalized if you do. Prpl: Kahi! You need to think! There has to be a way to crack this case! Don’t try to get too far ahead of yourself! Think of the evidence. What seems off?
Kahi: Woah… You’re here Prpl? Prpl: Yeah. Got bored of waiting, and since I can’t be a Mod I decided I might as well help!
Waj: Apparently it was bloody! The two gunshots caused the blood to spill out and got on Nyran’s clothes. No prints where found.
Kahi: (But a single gunshot… That contradicts something we were already told!)
Kahi: (A struggle… When did that struggle really happen?)
Kahi: (Right! The bullet in the chest. But then Waj said there was a struggle AFTERWORDS. This doesn’t make sense. Which piece of evidence suggests this is not right?) Kahi: So the bleeding out was NOT the cause of death? It was the bullet? Then how did he get into a struggle if he died from a bullet to the heart? Eljay: There wasn’t a weapon to use that, was there? This umbrella is too dull to do it. Something had to slice open his neck. What was it, then? Kahi: (Hmm… Maybe I should examine some evidence. How would a slicing weapon get into Toyfair to begin with?) Kahi: I have an idea where this sharp object could come from. I’ll examine this bag. Rise took it from the crime scene! Eljay: I’ll send it down to the precinct. But for now, we will focus on this trial. We’ll bring that up later when it is absolutely relevant. Any other issues you want to bring up now? Maybe something you talked about earlier?
PENALTIES RESTORED! Eljay: He was wearing gloves. I made sure Waj checked this time! And no, because the attacker seemed to escape before the scene was cleared. We don’t know if they have the right equipment or not.
Eljay: This is a MODERN piece of tech we’re talking about.
Kahi: (Evidence should be key here.) Kahi: Eljay, I know you’re wearing a dumb cardboard mask, but you seemed to have forgotten what one of your key witnesses yesterday said when she was testifying.
“It was a minute later when I heard a loud CRACK sound.” Kahi: I mean that only ONE gunshot was heard that day on the scene of the crime. The “crack” sound was the firing of a gun going through the hallway. Only one bullet was heard. Eljay: Wait just one second. That doesn’t disprove the gun as the murder weapon. The only thing it disproves is that we have a contradiction of evidence here, Kahi. Eljay: That testimony does not fit with Nyran getting shot. At all, in fact. Plus, you still haven’t explained why Meso’s prints were found on a gun at the scene of the crime. My case is looking pretty solid. Venom: Agreed. But this contradiction. It must be approached before I can give a verdict. Kahi gave us an interesting point. The two gunshots could have never happened if the testimony stated that only ONE was heard. How did this occur? Kahi: It’s simple: Risebell could have used his umbrella and a secondary gun in order to shoot Nyran in the chest. If both went off at the same precise timing, then it would have to work.
Eljay: Hah. But where is the PROOF that this secondary gun even exists? Kahi: This gun is a special gun. When I found it in the bag that was stated to be at the scene of the crime, it was discovered to have Nyran’s prints. .32 caliber fits the same size of what Nyran was shot with. It’s quite the gun, I will say. Eljay: Hmmm. This is true, HOWEVER, you have one problem: the only prints on the umbrella belong to Mesonak. Nobody else! Eljay: At least, you have proven the presence of Risebell’s gun there. But, I will question you on this: can you even prove that the gun was there on the day of the murder? Perhaps he put it in his bag when he arrived home!
Kahi: I can’t do anything here, Prpl. I have no proof. Prpl: You need to check the evidence closer! Look at what is there and what isn’t! Just check!
Kahi: But I have checked. Prpl: You only checked the bag. Inspect that umbrella for yourself. You have to try anything, Kahi!
Eljay: I dunno. Maybe you should check.
Prpl: Look inside the umbrella if you can see anything.
Kahi inspects the umbrella. In the secret compartment, he sees a speck of dried up blood inside. Eljay: Well, your honor, if the defense has nothing else to say, I think we may just need to come back from today after another day of inv- Kahi: Only the death of your over-glorified argument! I’m going to uncover the truth once and for all! And I’m going to prove Mesonak innocent! Kahi: (Gah, I don’t have that kind of time… Hm. I wonder if I could possibly surpass this with another piece of evidence.) Risebell: I’m here. I got a special request from Varderan to come to this trial. Hmph. I figured it was better that I defend myself.
Risebell:I stole the Quake Beast set. It’s an undeniable fact, Kahi. You even proved it. Why do you think I was in that other courtroom? Pff. No, I most definitely did not kill Risebell. Meso did it. He even has his prints on the gun. As for my gun, I left it at home. I couldn’t get past the sensor for it, anyways. Risebell: So what if it is? You still can’t convict me of murder! The only other person who could have done it is Mesonak! Kahi: (Augh… He’s right. I have to prove with solid, definitive evidence that Risebell is the killer! I need the perfect info.)
Eljay: …
Eljay: Um… Nyran was killed, not Meso. Kahi, are you OK? Kahi: Risebell, I have a certain piece of evidence that will PROVE that you are NOT the real Miru*DeMask. This evidence is…
Kahi: …This glove. This bloodied glove. This is the definitive piece of evidence that proves once and for all that you are the killer. Risebell: AHAHAHA! You think some dumb glove proves anything? Prove that it means anything. Kahi: This glove contains your blood, Risebell. Why would you bleed when you were stealing a simple set? You got a ton of blood on this. Kahi: This is your folly, Risebell. The ultimate failure. The sad truth which shows YOU murdered Nyran once and for all. What’s inside this glove? Nyran’s blood. It’s covered in it. Risebell: I… Ehahah… BUT THE MURDER WEAPON! You can’t convict me until you prove that problem! It’s still a contradiction!
Venom: That’s true. I can’t put a verdict until that is solved.
“You promised me secure access into getting into TTV’s inner groupings but you haven’t done it. You’re going to severely regret it.” Eljay: Hmm… I remember seeing this note. It does provide a VERY good reason for Rise to kill Nyran. Kahi: Exactly. He wanted information out of Nyran that he could never have. That’s why he attacked him. He wanted to get inside TTV. The only way he could was to assault a Mod.
Eljay: So that’s the answer, then? He wanted access to the Podcast?
Kahi: Yes. He’s obsessed with trying to live in fame. Risebell: See, I can do this lawyer thing too. Do you have evidence that I wrote that note? Risebell: This case is impossible without evidence. You have no way of figuring out who wrote that. Hahahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Risebell: No… NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! It was so dark… I should have burned that note… I didn’t know… Kahi: He bested you even after death. The poor, tragic idiot known as Risebell. Good for nothing. Can’t even hide evidence correctly! Well, Rise? Ready to give up? I have the reason, I have the proof that you are indeed the killer. Fess up! Risebell: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! No way! I’m not gonna lose to you! Never! You still… Don’t have the evidence of the guns! The final contradiction! HOW did I kill Nyran? Can you prove that to me? Huh? HUUUUUUUH? Waj: I got that evidence, Kahi. I’m astounded! The blood you discovered? It belongs to Risebell! The umbrella was also checked. Forged fingerprints! Risebell: But… Eljay help! Help me convict this fiend known as Mesonak! I deserve to replace him! I deserve the podcast! Eljay: No Risebell! What you deserve is proper justice! I am here to defend the law, but I won’t get behind a manipulator like you. I order the arrest of this man! Risebell: Look at me! I’m… I’M SEEING THE THINGS I DID IN THE PAST… Ooh… No no no… What have I done… Slime, I’m sorry. Nyran, I am sorry. Risebell: Saltmines… That sounds like an easy punishment! Hey… What’s with all this fire?!
EMILS: OH? Then I will make it something that will torture you forever. You will be made obscure. You will get the dumbest, most sad excuse for a freak-out ever. Plus you’re a boring person. EMILS: Too bad. You don’t get anything spectacular. Now go to jail and think a little bit about what you did. NOW DEAL WITH BEING ROASTED FOR ETERNITY!
Risebell: Fine.
Risebell is taken away by Waj. Kahi and Eljay just stare. Venom: Well, um… I guess it’s been proven now that Risebell indeed is the true culprit of this murder. Although now I know that only Meso could have stolen the set, the law states you cannot be tried again for the same crime. Thus, I declare Meso…